***Fruit of the day***

Urchin said:
I drank about 3/4 of a big carton of innocent smoothie today :D

It DOES count I tell ya!
which one was it? iv also been drinking innocent smoothie! iv had the pineapples, bananas and coconuts one.

iv also eaten a bowl of cherries and 2 apples
It was passionfruit and mango, I finished it today, I have some raspberry and cranberry ( I think) in the fridge for tomorrow.
i had a banana with my brekkie cereal and ive just had a huge bowl of melon and grapes (which was great, cos i really wanted some pork scratchings, so i took the healthy option lol :rotfl: )
oh forgot this thread!

had my usual brekkie, everyday this week


I'm such a fruit bore! Can't wait until strawberries are back in season and cheap :)
I had a lot of grapes, and half a canteloupe melon today 8)
iv been a fruit monster today!

4 pears
3 apples
packet of blueberries
1/4 watermelon
1/4 honeydew melon
few cherries
few grapes

makin' up for yesterday! :lol:
trixipaws said:
iv been a fruit monster today!

4 pears
3 apples
packet of blueberries
1/4 watermelon
1/4 honeydew melon
few cherries
few grapes

makin' up for yesterday! :lol:

bloody hell woman,you'll turn into an apple or a big chunk of melon if you don't watch out :lol:

I'm going to join this thread for the first time.

Today,so far,I have had

a load of grapes
an apple
and a few slices of melon
bowl of pear pieces today. oh and some innocent smoothie, the pineapples bananas and coconuts one (yummy!)
from boots:

bag of apple slices
pack of melon slices
no actual fruit as such :o :shock: :oops:
but i had innocent smoothie (pineapples bananas & coconuts) and urchin said that counts- and its her thread- so im counting :oops: it! :lol:

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