~The Breakfast Club~

I had oats so simple today...good for my breastmilk :)
i had weetabix with some special k on top, i have the ssame every morning and sometimes have strawberries with it
Breakfast is my fave meal of the day......how can you not look forward to it after 10 hours or so without food?? Yum.....I usually have 3 crumpets with chocolate spread or chocolate mini weetabix plus a slice of wholemeal toast with choc spread......not the healthiest but I figure breakfast is the best time to indulge a little as you have all day to work it off!
nothing today :oops: I go straight to play group from school so an out of time. I did have a museli bar thingy while i was there though.
I've decided already tomorrow will be porridge or if Sam lets me Poached eggs on toast!

I'm not keen on chocolatey cereal it doesn't seem right having chocolate first thing in a morning.
today i had rice krispies (well not really rice krispies, the asda brand version) with a bit of blossom honey and a bit of acacia honey, and full fat milk. yum!
after seein this post ive decided that I should join in as well since im TTC and should eat breakfast anyway....

I know its 2pm but we havent been up very long.... mega lie in.... :lol: I also cant eat anything first thing when I get up as always have a sickly tummy first thing in the morning (can always manage a cuppa tho!!)

Today ive had a cup of tea and 3 wheatabix. im addicted to them and can eat them any time of the day.... infact I might go back and finish the packet :lol:

reminds me that I need to add them t my asda online shopping list :lol:
:wave: Can I join too? after never ever ever having breaky I have been to asda today to stock up on stuff to eat in the morning as I am seriously in need of starting, I sometimes dont have lunch either and know its not good for LO :oops:

Today I have had a cup of tea and porridge with Local hunny, yesterday (my official start) I had cinnamon wheel, a banana and orange juice.
Forgot to post.. ooop.... chocolate rice crispies ( i was gutted cause no wheatabix left :() with apple juice then a cuppa tea :)
The nearest thing to breakfast I have is the occasional fried sandwich at work / mcdonalds porridge / mars bar.

I'll go and hide in shame :oops:
leckershell said:
The nearest thing to breakfast I have is the occasional fried sandwich at work / mcdonalds porridge / mars bar.

I'll go and hide in shame :oops:

I'm as bad.

Subway bacon, egg and cheese :oops: They are nice tho

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