***Fruit of the day***

i had a bowl of pear pieces today, but i bloody dropped the first one all over the floor, :wall: so i had to throw it away and get another bowl :roll:
i had a bowl of pear halves too, they are well nice, and a tangerie mmm
a bowl of aple pieces today, and some pureed banana (millies leftovers lol)
eek not had any fruit today :( thats not a very good start to the year is it

my bad
today i went to boots and got a bag of apple slices and a bag of grapes & apple slices
I'm really trying to get back onto fruit and stuff so had 2 clementines and an apple so far today. Will have more later :D
yesterday had a bowl of pear pieces.

no fruit as yet today- but better go eat some soon or i may hav to resign my position as forum resident fruit-o-holic! :lol:
Wondered how you'd been apponted fuit-o-holic Trix......now I know :lol:

I've had some blueberries today, and shared a pear with Libby :angel:
im currently eating my 3rd pear today! :lol:

mummykay i love ur new sig its well cute!
Oooh, yesterday I had 2 pears, a handful of blueberries and a small bunch of grapes!!

Today I have had 2 pears.....and 1 blueberry :rotfl: sounds pathetic to only have one blueberry but Libby was not in the sharing mood :wink:

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