formula questions


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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Ok alex is no longer taking booby :-( tbh we have both been struggling for a while and he was becoming a really cranky baby as he just couldn't get enough to eat so after supplementing his feeds with formula he is now pretty much on it for every feed seems being almost 11lbs the formula gives him what I cant. Although om disappointed in myself the main thing is he is happy and healthy anyway I have a few qs I should be asking rather than rambling on

1. When making up formula can I half fill bottle with boiled water leave to cool and then to with hot mix in formula and then use within 2 hours?

2. Do I have to wait 30 mins before transferring from kettle to bottle or can I pour in add formula and cool under tap?
3. If I boil kettle and its just over 30 mins will formula still mix and do I have to run under cold water everytime to cool or can I leave on side to cool as ong as he has it within 2 hours:-S. Sorry for all the qs.

Also if anyone has any tips re ff please let me know x
I sterilise all my bottles, boil the kettle, let it cool for about 20 minutes and then fill the bottles with just water and leave them on the side, then when Aiden needs a feed I just add the formula and either drop it in a jug of hot water for a minute or quickly zap it in the microwave for 15 seconds and give it a good shake to make sure there arent any hotspots. The midwife said this is fine and that the sterilised bottles are good for 24 hours left at room temp or in fridge.. I usually only leave them for about 12 though just cause Im over precautious lol

Hope that helps x
The idea behind the hot water is to sterilise the powder, but a lot of people use cool boiled water and heat up with no problems. I have a flask of water cooled for 30 mins so use that most the time and then cool in a jug of cold water. You can leave it to cool by itself if you have time, as long as it gets used in the 2hours. I have used boiling water before, just takes longer to cool. Zac has his feeds pretty much the same time every day now so if I don't use the flask, I know when to boil the kettle for his next feed x
I make my bottles with room temp bottled water, saves time ;)
I make them up with freshly boiled water n then bung them in the fridge, LO will only drink them at either room temp or straight from the fridge so works well for us, its meant to damage the botles slightly but ive beem using the same bottles for the last 11wks n there fine,
i make up all my bottles at once! boil the kettle, after 30 mins add water and then formula after a while and then i put them all in the door of the fridge! i always microwave for 20seconds and shake.i used to heat in a jug of hot water but both me and my very hungry lo got impatient waiting for it to get warm!!! ive been doing this since i stopped bf and had no problems!
I sterilise all my bottles, boil the kettle, pour in correct amount of boiled water in to each bottle, put teats lids on them and leave them on the side. When ben wakes for a feed i simply add the correct amount of formula give it sake and hay presto done. Ben drinks the milk at room temperature! But i think you are suppose to make each bottle up seperatly for each feed, but what a nightmare that would be at stupid o clock in the morning!!xxxxxxxxxxxx
I did the same as Amy and Laceys mum.

My daughter is a happy healthy 3 year old an she has never had a tummy bug in her life!
I've started doing the same as above for the last week and Tegan is fine, i couldn't keep making one up a time too stressful! xx
I sterilise all my bottles, boil the kettle, let it cool for about 20 minutes and then fill the bottles with just water and leave them on the side, then when Aiden needs a feed I just add the formula and either drop it in a jug of hot water for a minute or quickly zap it in the microwave for 15 seconds and give it a good shake to make sure there arent any hotspots. The midwife said this is fine and that the sterilised bottles are good for 24 hours left at room temp or in fridge.. I usually only leave them for about 12 though just cause Im over precautious lol

Hope that helps x

I do the same x

im gonna brave this been using a flaask but alex is sometimes screaming earlier so gonna try this x
I use a flask that I refill every 3- 4 hours or so. I tried to do keeping ones in fridge but my son didn't agree and threw them back :( x
during the day i made all my bottles up as jack was ready for them.. i was quite lucky though as he would feed every 3 hours. At night i put water in the bottles ready for the powder to go in and heated it up in a jug of boiling water.
i had been making up 3 at a time but my hv said i shouldn't be doing this

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