Formula Feeding


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2007
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After Reading Lisa&Alex's Thread, It Got Me Thinking What I Should Do In Regards To Making Bottles. I Assumed I Was Going To Make Them Fresh But Thinking About It, They'll Take Ages To Cool Down Wont They? Im Deffinately Not Interested In Making The Bottles In Advance & Storing Them For 24 Hours & Some Of You Said The Formula Doesnt Mix Well With Cold Water So Im Stumped What To Do. Unless I Do Make The Bottles Fresh & Add a Few Drops Of Cold Water To Cool It Quicker?

What Other Options Are There? Thanks :)
i always made a days worth of bottles and kept them in the fridge and then just warmed them up as needed
When Keeley was first born i used to make them up the night before... but as i started to wean her i just put the boiled water in the bottle then put that in the fridge then add the formula as and when she needed it( it used to mix ok for me)

You could buy the cartons with formula already made up? then you just need to make sure the bottles are sterlised :)
I'm going to make up the bottles with the boiled water in the morning, store them in the fridge and then add the powder as required. I know some say the powder doesn't mix as well in cold water but I don't think there's anyway round it unless you're either prepared to put the powder in and store the bottles ready made, make them up fresh or buy cartons.

Unless you make them up fresh and then put the bottle in a bowl of cold water to cool it down quickly.
mary70 said:
i always made a days worth of bottles and kept them in the fridge and then just warmed them up as needed

Thats what i do too, ive done it with all 4 of my children
apparently government guidelines are to make each fresh... im sure you could make them up to an hour in advance, and store in fridge.. or keep cool..
cow & gate mixes fine with cold water, hipp doesnt though.

thats why i never kept my water in the fridge as the powder mixes easier. i was told by midwife that boiled water can keep in a sterlised bottle for 24 hours not in a fridge, as the bacteria only grows once its milk? i guess every MW will say different,
oh lord! it all sounds so complicated and scarey :(
im moving millie onto formula soon and i hadnt realised there was so much to it! do i need to be as meticulous (sp?) as she's 6 months old? (sorry to hijack ur thread carly!)
I've only ever used room temperature and made them up right before using them. Even when I'm out and about I just take the water in the bottle and add the formula when I need it.

I've never had a problem with the mix, all three kids have been fine with it like that. :)
So Can I Just Boil Water, Store That In The Fridge... Then Make The Bottle Fresh With The Cold Water.. and Then Use The Bottle Warmer To Warm It? The Reason I Ask Is Because I Cant See How The Bottle Warmer Is Going To Heat Up Refridgerated Freezing Cold Water That Well? :think:

Either That Or Im Going To Have To Make The Bottles Half Hour In Advance But Id Have To Get Into a Routine Quickly For That So I Know When Make Them and I'll Probably Need a Few Days To Settle Into One.

I Think I'll Ask My Mum Later On & See What She Says :D
I never found bottle warmers worked that well... so i used to use a jug of boiling water that warmed the bottles up quicker :)
when i started Iain on formula i used i made them up n put them in fridge the when need filled a jug of boiling water to heat! Then was told no to do that by midwife! so we started just filling the bottles wi boiling water n storing them at room temp then adding formula as n when required!

Iain takes his milk at room temp no bother at all! i found it much easier doing thins than faffing around wi a kettle n the middle o the night! :D
trixipaws said:
oh lord! it all sounds so complicated and scarey :(
im moving millie onto formula soon and i hadnt realised there was so much to it! do i need to be as meticulous (sp?) as she's 6 months old? (sorry to hijack ur thread carly!)

Don't worry, bottlefeedings easy when you get into a routine. You just have to be organised and make sure you've always got your bottles clean and sterilised.
I don't think a 6 month old would be as subceptible to bugs as a newborn but I'd still be as careful as you can about making sure the bottles are sterilised and the milk stored properly.
I found bottlefeeding a lot easier than breastfeeding, which I really struggled with :D
sarah113 said:
mary70 said:
i always made a days worth of bottles and kept them in the fridge and then just warmed them up as needed

Thats what i do too, ive done it with all 4 of my children

That is what I do, and have been since Chloe was born and she hasn't had any problems so far.

Laura xx
Can't say how good this is as I've never tried it, I don't have kids yet so don't yet know all the health and safety around this

but a friend of mine makes up her bottles like this. For example a 6 oz feed she'll make up with only 4oz water and when cooled store in the fridge, when baby's hungry she'll boil the kettle and add two oz of hot water, she says she's instantly got a bottle ready at the right temperature for baby
Thanks Ladies :) I Think I'll Keep Boiled Water In The Fridge, Then Make The Bottles Fresh With The Water Each Time and Warm Them Using The Bottle Warmer Or Put The Bottle In a Bowl/Jug Of Hot Water Until Its Warm Enough x
if we ever wanted the milk warmed, we cheated and used the mircowave for just 10 secs.

but luckily alana liked room temp milk the best
I do exactly what Mrs_metal said. I only give formula occasionally but, just in case my EBM is not enough, I boil water in the morning (u could do it the night b4 too) anyway, and pour 4oz of that water in each bottle (for 6oz feeds). Bottles and water are sterilised, no need to put them in the fridge. Then, when it's feeding time, I boil some extra water, pour 2oz in the bottle, then add the formula and ready! :D
CalamityGem said:
I also have Steribottles which are fantastic if you need a bottle in a hurry.

What are these?
I am just switching to formula as LO is 6 months old and I've gone back to work, and what worries me is that a couple of weeks ago we were stuck on the motorway for several hours unexpectedly. As I was B/fing, it was easy to pull into the services and feed her, but I am now terrified that if it happens again, I won't have anything to give her. I noticed in hospital that they had bottles of readymade formula with a teat on, and I thought I could keep some of those in the car for emergencies, but I haven't seen them in the shops. Is that what these are? and if so, where do you get them?

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