Formula Feeding

Steribottles are fab! They are disposable bottles that come in a vacuum sealed packet pre-sterilised and you chuck it away after use. You can buy them in packs of 6 in most supermarkets.
I always kept one with a carton of ready made formula in my changing bag for emergencys.
They're good for travelling too

ETA: They come empty so you have to put your own milk in. I've never seen the little jars with the screw on teats that the hosptials have anywhere. Shame cos they are so convenient. If you can buy them I bet they cost loads!
Thanks - I can get some and some ready mix formula for the car and put my mind at rest. Whoever said bottle feeding was easier than breastfeeding was lying!
muppetmummy said:
Steribottles are fab! They are disposable bottles that come in a vacuum sealed packet pre-sterilised and you chuck it away after use. You can buy them in packs of 6 in most supermarkets.
I always kept one with a carton of ready made formula in my changing bag for emergencys.
They're good for travelling too

ETA: They come empty so you have to put your own milk in. I've never seen the little jars with the screw on teats that the hosptials have anywhere. Shame cos they are so convenient. If you can buy them I bet they cost loads!

it says suitable from birth to 3 months.. anyones know if you can get some for 3-12 months?
I have always made up Islas bottle a days worth at a time and had no probs, if the milk wont keep mixed up why do they make ready made stuff, i dont get it.... :think: I kept them in the fridge, whacked it in the microwave and gave it to her, i'd rather wait 20 sec for the microwave than 5 mins in a jug of hot water, as when they scream they really scream!!!

Cow and Gate always mixed perfectly with cold water in my opinion.

According to the back of the tin the only reason for not using a microwave is because of the hot spots it causes which can burn, if you shake the bottle after thoroughly hey presto no probs.

I hated making bottles up tho so hopefully this time breastfeeding will work. :cheer:
I sterilise my bottles, put the hot water in, leave them too cool for 10 mins and pt the powder in, shake them up and put them in the fridge and have done this for both my kids and it has not made them poorly ever and is convinient and I warm them as needed.

I use a microwave though -always have done :oops:
Sweetcheeks24 said:
muppetmummy said:
Steribottles are fab! They are disposable bottles that come in a vacuum sealed packet pre-sterilised and you chuck it away after use. You can buy them in packs of 6 in most supermarkets.
I always kept one with a carton of ready made formula in my changing bag for emergencys.
They're good for travelling too

ETA: They come empty so you have to put your own milk in. I've never seen the little jars with the screw on teats that the hosptials have anywhere. Shame cos they are so convenient. If you can buy them I bet they cost loads!

it says suitable from birth to 3 months.. anyones know if you can get some for 3-12 months?[/quote

They come in different sizes for different ages. I think there's a 3-6 months one and 6 months plus. The one's for older babies have a faster flow teat
xCarly said:
After Reading Lisa&Alex's Thread, It Got Me Thinking What I Should Do In Regards To Making Bottles. I Assumed I Was Going To Make Them Fresh But Thinking About It, They'll Take Ages To Cool Down Wont They? Im Deffinately Not Interested In Making The Bottles In Advance & Storing Them For 24 Hours & Some Of You Said The Formula Doesnt Mix Well With Cold Water So Im Stumped What To Do. Unless I Do Make The Bottles Fresh & Add a Few Drops Of Cold Water To Cool It Quicker?

What Other Options Are There? Thanks :)

You can also pre-make up 1 bottle for LO's next feed, putting in half the amount of water needed, then when making the bottle to feed LO, add the other half with just boiled water, I've found this works for the formula dissolving well and speeds up the bottle cooling time too :) Plus you can always then pop the bottle in a jug of cold water to cool it down faster if needed.
Thanks Ladies, All Great Advice. Now I Just Have To Pick Which Technique :think: Thanks Again :D xxx
i make mine up in advance, never had a problem. but if i do need one quickly i boil the kettle then pour into a bottle and stand the bottle in cold water to cool it down.
I am now more confused than ever! Is it okay for me to put boiled water into the steralised bottle and leave it out at room temperature until I need it when I add the powder? In other words how long can it be in the bottle before it needs to be thrown away? Also, what is the benefit of putting the bottle of water in the fridge? Thanks!!!!
sarah113 said:
mary70 said:
i always made a days worth of bottles and kept them in the fridge and then just warmed them up as needed

Thats what i do too, ive done it with all 4 of my children
yep me too, i think guidelines get changed that much its unreal, the bottles will be fine made up, left to cool and then refrigerated for 24 hours. My other kids were fine and they are 19,16,13 nothing happened to them and it was the norm to make em up bulk.
new governent guidelines are that every feed needs to be made up fresh. they dropped this bombshell when Ami was still in the hospital and i was just learning how to change her feeds etc.

something happened - im not sure exactly what - but the risk of contamination/infection is higher if you leave a feed sitting regardless of whether its in the fridge or not.

i have to do a fresh feed every 4 hours, empty her giving set and put fresh in. seems daft but shes high risk of infection as it is so i gotta do what im told! i have cartons so my life is a little easier, i just add her thickener and shake the bottle.

they changed their labels but i doubt everyone does make feed up fresh everytime, its not like you have spare time to do it when you have a baby!
Sweetcheeks24 said:
muppetmummy said:
Steribottles are fab! They are disposable bottles that come in a vacuum sealed packet pre-sterilised and you chuck it away after use. You can buy them in packs of 6 in most supermarkets.
I always kept one with a carton of ready made formula in my changing bag for emergencys.
They're good for travelling too

ETA: They come empty so you have to put your own milk in. I've never seen the little jars with the screw on teats that the hosptials have anywhere. Shame cos they are so convenient. If you can buy them I bet they cost loads!

it says suitable from birth to 3 months.. anyones know if you can get some for 3-12 months?

Yeah you can Boots and mothercare sells them :)
with willow i just add the boling water the night before and store in the cupboard so it is rom temp and then just add the powder when its time for her bottle this is what i have always done and never had a problem with powder mixing willow has been on aptimil since birth.
So how long can boiled water in bottles be left at room temperature before it is no good?

And what is the benefit of putting it in the fridge?

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