Formula Madness,


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2007
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How is everyone making their formula milk?

when making formula a few years ago I used to make up all feeds I would need for the next 24 hours and store them in the fridge.

They are now recommending that we don't do this anymore and make feeds up fresh when needed.

I am thinking of storing boiled water in the fridge and adding the powder when needed and then heating. Is this still safe. ???
i have always stored 24 hours worth hun and still do with sma progress which it tells you to do on the tin
I would say, boil water in the morning and for, say, a 6oz feed, add 4oz of that water in each bottle, put the lid on and leave them, they will stay sterilised - no need to put them in the fridge, room temperature will be fine for water. When it's time for the feed, add 2 more ounces of boiled water and then the formula. That way you will have the right temperature, not too hot, not too cold.
When I am giving Daniel formula, I am doing exactly what Erin said. Works perfect for us!
Is it really safe to keep the water at room temp for 24 hours?

I have heard that other mums do this and use powder dispensers when going out and it sound like a really good idea. I am just a bit worried about keeping the water sterile.
i make them up and chuck them in the fridge, and in previous threads ive also said that both my LOs have been fine.
As Tim only has 1 bottle of formula a day, I make it up while i am expressing his evening feed... it is a pain in the behind tho, and I was also wondering if I could sort it a bit earlier to make it easier, so thanks for asking!
NIE said:
How is everyone making their formula milk?

when making formula a few years ago I used to make up all feeds I would need for the next 24 hours and store them in the fridge.

They are now recommending that we don't do this anymore and make feeds up fresh when needed.

I am thinking of storing boiled water in the fridge and adding the powder when needed and then heating. Is this still safe. ???

I've been told that it's best to use water that is greater than 70C in temperature as milk powder is not sterile, and so using hot water can help kill off any bacteria in the powder.
With mine I have always made up 24 hours worth of feeds and kept them in the fridge. since Nathans older and cut his bottles down to 3 a day I have been just storing the boiled water for 24 hours and making them when needed and I must admit its just as easy.
I think it's safe for water to stay at room temp for 24hours (max 24hours in this case as you wouldn't normally prepare more than a day's worth of feeds), however you could do the same and put the bottles in the fridge if you prefer. Then do exactly the same, add boiling water and formula when needed. :)
I make up 24hours worth too..rather do that than have to make it when shes hungry...she goes from fine to starving in 0.6 seconds lol 8)

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