For those of you who are "Just Mums"

That's why I wanted to tell all you SAHM how lucky you are. I would love to stay at home with my babes... At the moment Ani is ill... and I would love to be with her. She wont eat atm, but she will bf. And I have to go out to work, poor wee mite :cry:

I work full time and as I am the main bread winner we couldnt afford for me to give up work :cry: Luckily I love my job and the company I work for, and they are very supportive..I also have fantastic childcare so I am dead lucky but I really do envy you SAHMs, it is the best job in the world caring for your child :hug:
I'm very envious of SAHMs , just wish I didn't have to go back to work and could be with Jude . Hopefully sometime in the not too distant future I'll be able to drop a couple of days and go part time. Bloody mortgages!! :x
I am so envious of all the SAHMs - I would love to be at home with DD and any future siblings for the first few years of their lives, but we just can't afford it.

I think you all do an amazing job - while on maternity leave, I've learnt that its not always the easy option being at home all day, but its by far the most rewarding.

Valentine Xxx

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