for those ladies who are/have been pregnant....


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2011
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Hi guys

I just wondered who had any CM or IB in the 2ww???

I am currently 8 DPO and yesterday started with light brown discharge and its now sort of a dark yellow colour. Opinions please???

very confusing!! can't wait to see the responses
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Hi ladies, i'm a bit confused atm. Since ov I have had no cm at all but over the last few days have been having a bit more cm thats like a stringy consistency (sorry tmi). This morning used an ic and got a bfn but used a boots cheapie and cant decide if i had an evap or faintest of faint line. But this afternoon after going to the loo I noticed that i had some brown blood in the cm. Think its af but i dont know, I have cramps along with it.
Hi Sam, did you find out if it was AF or not?? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi ladies in may I got a bfp but unfortunately it wasn't ment to be, with that one I got ib but it was literally a few spots on one day.
For this bfp I haven't had ib
In relation to cm this time it's been creamy, haven't really been checking since bfp

Good luck ladies xxxx

I had that at 7dpo, really clear and loads of it but looked really yellow/orangey.

Cant tell you if it was IB or not cos i"m still waiting for bfp or AF.

FX hun

Hi ladies,
I had no cm after ov, then i assume it was ib because af still hasnt shown up, the cm tinged with pink stopped after a few hours yesterday evening. But i have now gone back to having no cm. I'm confused.
I had ib with my 3 previous miscarriages at about 11dpo. This time I havent had ib but had a small bleed about 9 weeks. I don't get much cm Sam so don't worry
I think af got me now, will know for sure tomorrow
i spotted lightly for the duration of my period (five days) now i have bad cramps, testing friday so i'll get back to you! xx
ps i have a lot of cream/yellow cm xx
hi steph, i got brown spotting for 1 day a week before af due when i got my bfp last year. Had mmc at 12 weeks though, so don't know if it is a "good" sign or not.
hope it is good news for you
WIth my 2nd I got IB 9 days after we bd (I'm clueless as to when I ov lol). It was literally as you describe, like brownish pink spotting, quite light and only happened the once. FX for all of you x
thanks guys. I'm still getting watery CM everyday - feels like i've peed myself a little!!! sorry TMI!!

I'm cd34 today. no af, no bfp.

However, today i have had loads, and i mean loads of ewcm, although it's lightly tinged with brown'orange colour again.

Whats goin on??!!!

Damn u witch, come n get me already! At least i can get on with it again!



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