Question for pregnant ladies and mummies :)


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2007
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Haven't posted here before but thought you might be able to offer your advice.

First off I don't use opks any more, got way too stressed about ttc. I think I ov judging by cm around Wednesday last week, could have been earlier so I'm around 8-10 dpo.

I have these symptoms -

Nausea from Tuesday

Cramps yesterday evening

Huge bbs today, veins very visible

This afternoon my stomach is VERY swollen. I look like I'm 6 months pregnant.

Very little cm, I usually get loads around now but I'm almost dry most of the time.

I've done two tests with fmu and got BFNs. I thought that if I were having pregnancy symptoms I would get BFP...did you get pregnancy symptoms and BFNs then BFPs?

Also, last af was very short and strange...anyone had BFNs and bleeding but later found out they were pregnant?

Sorry it's so long, you know what the 2ww is like :)

Thanks so much
Well hun, as ive said before, i didnt get my bfp til about 12dpo i dont think... the first test i did was SO light that i had to squint.. in fact the first like 3 tests were like that...

Those symptoms sounds good, especially the veiny boobies bit :D

good luck!
Yep, the first thing I noticed was veiny boobs (and a massive appetite) and that was a week or two before we tested - I'll keep my fingers crossed for you :)
I know I am probably telling you what you already know but remember to wee first thing in the morning when your hormone levels are higher in your urine cos I didn't and it showed up negative for ages.
Hi there
I was ttc for about 9 months. The month i conceived i had my normal AF then about cycle day 17-18 (round about then) i had another quite heavy bleed for another couple of days. I thought my cycle had cocked up and was not pleased at all. Ruled out implantation bleed due to the fact how heavy it was.
So i just thought that my chance that month was blown. I must admit i still did a test on about what would have been 12DPO (if i went by the first bleed) the test was a BFN. Chucked it in the bin, but you know what we are like when trying to conceive later that evening i sneaked a quick peak and there was a second faint line. Tested next day with FMU and i got a faint line. Double checked with a clearblue digi and was BFP.

I think it does sound promising for you hun with all your symptoms, and even tho you have had a light bleed it still could be your month.

If you can wait a few days and test again. Do wish you the best of luck :hug: :hug: Hope you get your BFP soon.
I noticed that my boobs really hurt too when I was first pregnant! Sore to touch and looked quite swollen. Also my sense of smell went crazy!!

Hey I notice you're in Peterborough like me! Where abouts are you? :D
REALLY painful wind-like stomach cramps and tingling nipples were my initial symptoms. I got a BFN first time at what I thought was 2WPO but waited another 10 days to test again- convinced AF was on her way- when she didn;t show I tested and got BFP. By this point I was having dizzy spells and feeling tired and emotional but the 2ww will do that to you anyway!

I REALLY hope this is your month- I was only TTC for one cycle and that was really hard work- I really feel for anyone who has to TTC for any length of time- the process is all consuming for a woman.

I'm completely the opposite to all you girls, i had no symptoms other than the usual sorer boobs i would get a couple of days before AF
In fact i had more symptoms the months i wasn't pg than i did the month i was.
I did however get an obvious line on a clear blue test and a very faint line on another test (i think predictor?) the next day so i think it depends on the strength of the test.
Thanks everyone! I'm bleeding today, 2 days early if AF so not sure if this is implantation bleed...could have got OV dates wrong. Hope so! Have tested but BFN, but if I'm only implanting today then it would be BFN, anyway I'll keep you all informed!

Debbie - I live off of Newark Avenue, Derby Drive...near Dogsthorpe. You?
Fingers crossed it is implantation! I bled for a few days before I got a BFP so could be lucky for you!

I'm in Bretton! I was over seeing my friend in Dogsthorpe in Furze Ride tonight! :cheer:

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