Follow up scan...

Thinking of you petal xxxxxxxxxxxx Well done on complaining! They really should start treating anyone (mum and dad) suffering a mc better. It's almost barberic sometimes =/ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Im already dreading my rescan on thursday!I dont know how ill cope if they tell me my bodys basically failed to do what its supposed to do again!At least thats how it feels xxx

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Im already dreading my rescan on thursday!I dont know how ill cope if they tell me my bodys basically failed to do what its supposed to do again!At least thats how it feels xxx

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Fingers crossed that on Thursday you get some good news!

Oh Natz , what a horrible time your having, can't believe that they would muck you about like this.

I don't know why they leave ladies in limbo once they have the scan and decide on D&C, you should be kept in and done there and then once tummy empty of food, not sent home to wait. I then started mc at home a week later and ended up being driven to A&E to get dealt with , only to find my hosp didn't have an A&E and there night maternity dept would not take me at 4am, when I was due to arrive there at 7am for D&C!!!, so my mum had to drive me to another hosp 30 mins away, while I was sitting on 3 towels, soaking my mums car seat, head in a sick bucket and doubled over in cramps crying my eyes out. I ended up having all my veins collapsing and needed 2 blood transfusions to sort me out before getting a D&C at 8am!

At my original hosp- I had agreed in advance to my "products of conception" as they call it! going to a certain cemetary, with all the other babies together, (which was one of two options I had at that hosp) giving me the choice, and having a D&C. Then ended up at a different hospital and the products just got thrown away, I was in a bit of a mess at the time so when I asked after the D&C they told me just like that and thought me mad to think there was another nicer option!!

I feel your really brave and fantastic to have written a letter to the hospital, well done you, and it's really well written, and should make them really think, I'm sure with a letter like that, you will get a reply, let us know how you get on.

Really sorry to hear about having to speak to them again on monday for options, hope more options are not needed - sending you a big hug- hang in there Natz XX
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God JJ!! Cuddles pet!! my local hospital is still dening me ever being a patient with them ever after 4 operations and staff knowing me by name =/ Gp thinks they definately realised they'd done me wrong so thought wiping the paper trace will cover their arses forgetting theres further traces from my Gp and from my old physio (they couldn't get me an appointment with their own physio til 17weeks after my back op when I was meant to start rehab at 7 weeks)

Until I can prove I was definately there I can't lodge a formal complaint because they just keep coming back with ' you must have us confused with another department/hospital'


Have they got back to you yet Natz? XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Jj that actually broke me heart reading that, it made me so sad for you!Its nice to know youve come out shining the other end, although i know nothing will replace the babe you lost.

Ive got another scan on thursday hun, im dreading it tbh!Theyre going to tell me this periods not done the trick and ive got to have more intervention. Im scared xxx

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Wish you all the best for Thursday hun and stay positive xxx let us know how you get on x

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