Follow up scan tomorrow :) *updated with scan pic*

Thanks Twilly :) Goodluck for tomorrow hunny, will be thinking of you x x

awwww thats such a lovely piccy of ur little one, really happy to hear ur good news! x
That's wonderful M2A, now you can relax...I'm very very happy for you!!!
thats fab news so pleased and what a fab pic xxxxxxxxxxx
oh what a relief.....been thinking about you all day!!! xxx
Thank you so much ladies, im still floating on cloud 9 even though im exhausted after all the drama this morning. I cant stop looking at my scan pic :)
Ive got my booking in appointment at the hospital tomorrow, so should get my 12 week scan date x x

ahw great news and lovely pic... i hadn't read your post this morning about the bleed when i posted earlier i just went to the end of the thread - glad it is all ok and what a cute little picture - and great that you'll have another scan soon too!! well done you - bet you're a "walking hormone" full of emotions now!!!! x x x
Thank you Treeze, i am all emotional at the moment. Hope you are well x x

Good luck M2A! Everything crossed for you x x x

Hey M2A :-)
I'm good thank you - so sorry you had a scare this morning but how lovely to go and see the little one and know everything is OK; what a little cutie! Hope you are feeling better now, I know it is such a scary and worrying time Tri1, I've only got about 6 weeks until Tri3 and I'm still a nervous wreck (Sunnygirl will come and tell me off now ;-)) xxx
Thanks Jenny :) i think im finding tri-1 extra hard because i lost my little angel at the end of tri-1 back in Nov, i think once i know im safely in tri-2 or past 12w3d when it all went wrong last time i wont be worrying as much. Cant believe how quick your pregnancy is going, 6 weeks from tri-3 wow :) x x
Thanks Jenny :) i think im finding tri-1 extra hard because i lost my little angel at the end of tri-1 back in Nov, i think once i know im safely in tri-2 or past 12w3d when it all went wrong last time i wont be worrying as much. Cant believe how quick your pregnancy is going, 6 weeks from tri-3 wow :) x x

Awwww hun, I bet you are - everything crossed for you that the next 3-4 weeks breeze by & that everything is perfect with your little one xxx
Sorry i missed this hun, just read right through this...glad of the happy outcome! Lovely pic too! xxx
Awwww such a cute pic! So glad everything OK for you! Hope you are celebrating in some way :-)

.....It's nice to see your scan pic....I'm 1 day behind you so it gives me an idea of how my bubba might look at the mo! So can't wait for my scan, 2 weeks seems like foreva!! xx
Thanks mum2b410 :)
2 weeks will be here before you know it and baby would of grown even more by the time you have your scan x x

Oh m2a :) ! so so pleased for you and LOVE the pic.xx

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