Reassurance scan tomorrow updated with piccie of bean :)

So pleased it went well for you hun. Its amazing feeling.

I didnt get any pics this time, wasnt much to see really just a wee blob with a heartbeat, i have another scan on 15th though so hopefully more to see then and get a pic! :)
So pleased for you hun!!!
Will you have another scan before the 12 week one?

Thanks ladies :)
I can't see me having another unless 12 week one is delayed for some reason ( I have midwife appointment on wed so hopefully will know more then)
Apple - are you having one?
Hi bit of advice please. Doctor phoned today and said that my hcg levels are 18,750 is this good???? He doesn't want to have me in for another blood test but just to go in for the scan on the 15th!!!
Hi Hun apparently it's not the amount of hcg it's if it doubles ever 24/36 hrs. If I was you I'd post the question in pregnancy chat you'll get loads more response. Good luck Hun xxx
I think so sue I'm not sure what to do! Wat u think?? I got 1st appoint with midwife today Xx

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