Folic Acid


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2009
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:wave: Hello :wave: Just wondered when people start/started taking Folic Acid? I have two boxes of the stuff upstairs :rotfl: and wanted to start taking it yesterday but as I wasn't feeling well, didn't think it was a good idea.

I know the recommended time frame is to take it 3 months+ before TTC but I want to start TTC asap! Anyone else taking Folic Acid/thinking of it? I just bought the Boots one...
We have been TTC for 8 months now and I have been taking Folic Acid for about a year. I am no expert but I would start taking it now if you are TTC. I am sure you will get a lot of good advice from everyone else on this one too.

folic acid can be taken for ten years straight for people that have trouble TTC. Folic acid doesnt do you any harm or any good its just good for the baby when u get preg so just start taking it. it doesnt matter what brand so long as theyre 400micrograms daily the micro looks like a funny m lol xx
If you think you're going to be TTC soon I'd start taking it now - as Lisa said it won't do you any harm even if you do wait a bit longer :)
Will do - didn't think it could be too early. I'm not going to take Omega 3 as I eat SO much oily fish (loooove fish of all sorts) that I don't think it's necessary.

Any other pre-pregnancy , TTC suggestions ladies? I'm just looking up when I can pop in and see my new doc....SOOOOO EXCITED! (and fking terrified about getting the coil taken out as it took over 40 minutes to go in, with my wonky insides, and I was in so much pain I nearly bit the doctor....)
Coil out for Me I didn't even know it was out made such a fuss was talking none stop and saying how scared I was lol next thing it was out lol I didn't even know!!! Fingers crossed it's the same for you x x
Get cracking. I took it for 6 months before TTC as it's cheap as chips :)
Maybe I should have started taking it as soon as we had the "should we"? conversation. Which was only on the 22nd November (I'll never forget that - my face was a picture and I joined here the next day! :rofl:) but didn't want my NOSY inlaws finding them -trust me, NOTHING and nowhere is sacred with that lot around... to pop a pill! WOO HOO! :dance:
Keep them in your handbag, surely they wouldn't rifle in there :shock:

:yay: for nearly TTC :D
legs up straight after sex did it for me both times :D g'luck xxxx
Thanks, Lisa, but with my age and medical history against me, I think it'll take a bit more than just sticking my legs in the air :wink:
Start it now, it wont harm , even if you deside to delay TTC :)

Little legs was a suprise thou so I hadn't been taking it and got very upset GP told me to just start there and then and don't to panic and some food such as cereal have added folic acid for just such an occassion :)
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Will do :) have also just made an appointment for tomorrow to talk to the doctor about getting my coil out asap and getting the cysts re looked at etc.

So frigging excited it's silly!!! :yay: hehee
:yay: not silly at all hon! i agree with starting now! im so excited for you :D

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