First Time Mums?

Mine is at 12 + 3, next Friday 29th.

I had a missed miscarriage last time, but the only reason I knew is because I had an early scan at 8+6. Then the miscarriage started naturally at 10 weeks and some days. So I completely understand your worry having been there myself.. there’s nothing I can say to make you worry less, because I’m worried too :) I just tell myself that every pregnancy is different and I’m allowed to enjoy this one for what it is. This is my second try and it has felt very different to my first. This forum has been both amazing but also stressful.. it can reassure but worry me too.. like when all my peers are suffering and my symptoms feel better for example. But overall so far I’ve had no reason to worry particularly so I’m just taking it a day at a time and trying to enjoy Christmas xx
I have a late booking in appointment on 8th Jan. Don't even have a date for a scan at the moment and I'll be 11+6 by the booking appointment already :( seems to be taking forever xx

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Oh Laura that stinks. I hope you get one soon... Gosh! So late!
Mine is at 12 + 3, next Friday 29th.

I had a missed miscarriage last time, but the only reason I knew is because I had an early scan at 8+6. Then the miscarriage started naturally at 10 weeks and some days. So I completely understand your worry having been there myself.. there’s nothing I can say to make you worry less, because I’m worried too :) I just tell myself that every pregnancy is different and I’m allowed to enjoy this one for what it is. This is my second try and it has felt very different to my first. This forum has been both amazing but also stressful.. it can reassure but worry me too.. like when all my peers are suffering and my symptoms feel better for example. But overall so far I’ve had no reason to worry particularly so I’m just taking it a day at a time and trying to enjoy Christmas xx

I'm terrified of this happening... Especially as a lot of my symptoms have dropped off now... But could also be cuz I'm 11 weeks now, almost in my 12th.
Mine is at 12 + 3, next Friday 29th.

I had a missed miscarriage last time, but the only reason I knew is because I had an early scan at 8+6. Then the miscarriage started naturally at 10 weeks and some days. So I completely understand your worry having been there myself.. there’s nothing I can say to make you worry less, because I’m worried too :) I just tell myself that every pregnancy is different and I’m allowed to enjoy this one for what it is. This is my second try and it has felt very different to my first. This forum has been both amazing but also stressful.. it can reassure but worry me too.. like when all my peers are suffering and my symptoms feel better for example. But overall so far I’ve had no reason to worry particularly so I’m just taking it a day at a time and trying to enjoy Christmas xx

I'm terrified of this happening... Especially as a lot of my symptoms have dropped off now... But could also be cuz I'm 11 weeks now, almost in my 12th.

Janey my symptoms have largely improved since week 10 I’d say. Still tired, boob pain is just as bad and occasionally worse... I think I’ve been getting what I hope is round ligament pain more frequently especially when coughing!

I’m the same, assuming/hoping the downturn in symptoms is beceauss the placenta is beginning to form and I’m close to the 2nd trimester.

My dating scan is on Friday morning..
Aw Fela hope it goes well for you. I've had the flu all over Christmas and some morning sickness, so have been feeling so rough. I'm counting down the days until the 8th of Jan. I'll be well into my 13th week... Before I finally see this little bean!
Aw Fela hope it goes well for you. I've had the flu all over Christmas and some morning sickness, so have been feeling so rough. I'm counting down the days until the 8th of Jan. I'll be well into my 13th week... Before I finally see this little bean!
8th isn't long now :) I'm excited for my booking appointment to finally move forward towards a scan haha hope you're feeling better I've had a flu all Xmas too and it's been horrific. I sneeze or cough and get worried ill be sick xx

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This will be mine & my partners 1st baby too. , it’s only been 4 days since we’ve had the news & I’m so glad I’m not the only one feeling happy & blessed then the next I’m terrified & worrying about everything.
I guess no one is every truly prepared.. hubby is also terrified & in shock still I think but don’t think he wants to get excited yet as it’s still early on. We have been trying for a while so we both knew it was coming :) we recently got a puppy too so it’s all a big crazy in or house this Christmas ha ha x

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