February 2012 Babies

hiya - hope everyone's keeping well. My nausea had seemed to have improved a wee bit - although it may be because i have found a magic cure in the form of tic-tacs. :)

I have my first appointment with MW tomorrow - so fingers crossed..

good luck for ur appt tomorrow l_maclean :D i had my booking appt monday just gone, not got my next one until 16weeks, thought i would've had one before that but never mind!
Booking appointment was ok - apparently they now do it in two halves up here - so basically just went over the paperwork I had already filled in. Have to go back on Tuesday to do the rest. She decided that instead of being 9wks though - im 8+4 - which i have decided to ignore cos our EDD matched - plus i guess it'll prob change again with the scan.

hey - how is everyone doing - we seem to have slowed down a bit in here. Is it cause some of us have moved to tri 2?? Maybe this thread would do better in Chat? just an idea. Hope you are all keeping well.
I'm doin much better since Friday - nausea seems to have died down. still tired and bloated but I can deal with that! Looking forward to my 12w scan next Tuesday, that will be a big milestone for me :D

Hope all u other ladies r doin ok xxx
hiya feb mums. I'm generally feeling a bit better now i'm over 10 weeks, but had a bit of an emotional outburst today. Just feeling a bit lonely, summer holidays and not so much work to do (not that i'm complaining). My partner is out at work all day and I'm don't really like the heat and so seem to sit around indoors a lot. The OH's cat scratched me today for absolutely no reason so really concerned as its half ferrell - what if it did it to the baby??, I'd be so angry, so the OH said, we'll take it to the blue cross then, the baby's more important. I just felt so awful as it's his cat and everything just seems so confusing at the mo! guess it's just hormones!!!
February layyyyyydeeeeeee!!

How ya all doing, Gregory junior is due 24th Feb!!!

Im feeling sicky every night and getting a tum now, but feeling generally podgey, dont feel like i look that bad just feel different as I was a size 10 when I started out.

Hi February ladies! I hope everyone is doing well! I am 13 weeks tomorrow so will be heading to Tri 2... Still can't believe it... is anyone getting a little bump yet? Mine is just starting to be obvious and my pants are all getting tight! I need to post a pic!
Thats great mrs km. My boss asked if I was getting a bump yet - but I'm
Pretty sure I'm just fat just now. Lol. Her girls (in their 30s) are showing no signs to wanting kids and she's desperate to be a gran - says she can't wait till I start showing. I'm sure she's more excited than me.

Anyone else "showing" yet??

Haha, I feel like I've really popped out since even a week ago! But to most people I probably just look like I gained weight. Kind of looking forward to when I actually look pregs! That's great about your boss though l_maclean!
Oh and I just posted a pic of my mini bump in the 1st Tri Bump Pics :)
Hi All,

I'm due on the 7th Feb- had my first scan last week and it was amazing :) I'm lucky and havent had any sickness but the tiredness has been extreme! it's nice to hear everyone's the same though and it gives us a reason not to cook and clean :) Poppy- i didnt have a clue how far gone i was when i found out as my periods were never really regular and silly me didnt keep track of them and i didnt get an early dating scan, they made me wait 8 weeks it was torture not knowing how far gone i was! Good luck to everyone and look forward to chatting to you all x
Sorry everyone i've just noticed my signature thing was wrong!! changed now! lol BABY BRAIN! :D xx
hi Lucy

I too didn't get an early dating scan she just took my earliest LMP estimate! Lucky you for not feeling too poorly and really glad everything is going well for you. I've finally started to feel better, but am aware the nausea could pop back up again anytime. It really is horrible! I have my 1st scan booked for the 15th august, but they'll take my blood at the same time, so i'm kinda not looking forward to the blood bit as I feel all dizzy usually, but looking forward to the scan bit. Although I've had all the pregnancy symptoms under the sun I still need to see the baby for clarification that I am actually preggers! I know thats silly!


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