First Scan, empty sac!!!!


New Member
Mar 31, 2008
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Hi Guys,

First of all, I'd like to congratulate you on a great website. So good to know there are so many supportive people out there! Am hoping I can get some of it for myself?

I recently found out I was pregnant for the first time 2 weeks ago and went for a first scan today... confusingly I have been told that the sac is empty and to come back for another scan next week!

Considering we had worked out that we should be 6.3 wks on, we were expecting to see a heart beat today so am now really worried.

Can anyone shed any light on this or offer any advice?

Hi Molly,

I'm not sure what it could be as my first scan was in my 12th week... I know that sometimes women have to wait a week or two and then see the HB! Maybe you aren't as far gone as you thought?

I know it's really hard to pick stuff up at early scans and all you can do is wait but it must be a horrible wait either way :hug:

Really hope everything is ok for you and you get some advice/assistance off some of these lovely ladies here who might be able to shed light on it...

(Welcome to the forum by the way... :wave: ) xxx
Hi Molly

Did they do an internal scan?

As Dannii says it is difficult to pick up a HB on such an early scan so try not to stress too much (easier said than done I know!)

Good luck & let us know how you get on.

Lou x
Good luck!! I hope everything works out fine!! :hug:
I have a friend who because of numerous problems had to be scanned once a week for the first few weeks of her pg. She said that the first couple of scans she had were just an empty sac and after that she could see a fetal pole and about two weeks later a little HB for the first time.

Hopefully the reasons you couldn't see anything is becuse you're not quite as far along as you think you are.

good luck
it could be that you are a little less than you think you may have ovulated a bit later on your last cycle.

i have had early scans done in the past my last pregnancy i had a scan at 5.2 weeks and it was an empty sack which left me really worried i went back just over a week later and we seen a little hb so much can change very early on easier said than done but try not worry.
I haven't got any info or advice for you, I just wanted to say welcome :wave: , and wish you luck for your next scan x
hope everything is ok- I can't offer any advice cause I didn't have a scan until 12 weeks but didn't want to read and run :hug:
Thanks for the reassurance... can't believe how quickly you all responded to my cry for help. Thank you SO much!
2nd scan is next Tuesday so will probably be pestering you again then!
Thank you again for responding!
(This forum thing is really addictive isn't it? :D
Molly said:
(This forum thing is really addictive isn't it? :D

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

The addiction only gets worse.

Welcome :wave: and I hope a second scan show a little HB. :hug:
I had a scan at 6 weeks a few weeks ago and no hb, but got a scan at 8 weeks and there was a hb there ! so u r prob just a little too early to see the hb!

welcome and fingers crossed for you! :D
Molly said:
(This forum thing is really addictive isn't it? :D

OHHHH YEAHHHHHH!! :lol: you'll never leave now you've been!! :lol: :lol:

on a serious note, i hope everything is ok hunny and good luck with your scan :hug:

I hope all is well but I just wanted to advise that keep an open mind and expect anything.

My first pregnancy I should have been 11weeks but they only found a 6 week sized empty sac on my scan. They told me to come back in 2 weeks to see what developments there had been.

I was on my own and completely paniced...I mean they didn't even tell me that it was the size of a 6 week sac.. I thought they were doing an internal scan to get a better look (which i was informed by the nurse whern i arrived they do if ultra sound doesn't show anything) and waited for a further hour then i saw the sonographer leave!!! and some doctor eventually just pulled me into a room and said they were going to book me for another scan in 2 weeks. The sonographer had already very candially told me that she hadn't seen a pregnancy on the screen - so I went into mild hysterics and they finally told me either I had my dates completely wrong or I was having a miscarriage :(

It was the most horrible experience I've had. They completely treated me like a number and not a person. I didn't even know that you could have "implantation problems" which is what it turned out i had. I just needed someone to explain it to me and nobody did....I even had to fight for an explaination when I rushed in a week later with the start of my m/c when i had bleeding and cramps and they tried to send me home saying I wasn't booked in for a scan for another week! :x

So I really hope all is well but please keep an open mind if you are sure of your dates but they only see a sac :hug:
Had scan today. Delighted to say everything looks great! :D Saw the heart beat and they have told me, I am 6 weeks 2 days!

Thanks for all the reassuring messages, when I was feeling down last week.
Oh congrats thats great news, bet you are over the moon.
I wish you a healthy pregnancy.
Thats great news :cheer:

Heres to a remaining great pregnancy! :hug:

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