First period??


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2012
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I stopped bleeding about 3 weeks ago, but have either started again or my first period has arrived (boooo!)

Stupid question I know, but how on earth do you distinguish between the two?!?

Thanks ladies! xx
I'll be stalking as I'm also experiencing this. I've starting bleeding again today after a gap of over a week, I'm on my 5th week post partum.

I stopped bleeding at 3 weeks and bled 6 weeks after and this was my first period, have had them regular since.. I didn't get cramp until my AF was nearly done oddly enoughlol, I didn't know why I was bleeding again either but turned out to be AF xxxxx
i bleed for almost 3 weeks had a period 8 weeks
I've not started bleeding but have had some odd period type cramps. I'm bf so hoping that it's a while before I have that joy again!
Gosh ur lucky, I get mine regular and I honestly think my cramp have gotten worse since after pregnancy!!

Well, my bleeding is a lot lighter today - but I have the worst back ache, very low down...not something I really suffered with pre pregnancy during AF.

Have had very mild period type pains, but not as strong as normal AF pains...a little confused...guess I will just ride it out and see what happens! x
My first af was confusing I thought it was maybe cause I hadn't had cramp in sooo long I forgot how it felt ? But my cramp is totes diff now, odd...

I bled for about 10 days PP (a few days heavy, a week really lightly).

First period 8 weeks, literally within days of me stopping expressing 100% (I was still expressing up to 50% of feeds though!)

isit true then ladies that you dont have an AF if your BFing or expressing??? xx
I've not started bleeding but have had some odd period type cramps. I'm bf so hoping that it's a while before I have that joy again!

They say that it's not unusual to get period type cramps in place of a period when you are bf. It doesnt necessarily mean you are about to get you period. The theory is that your body is getting ready to be fertile again so you have some symptoms but the hormones from bf can still be stopping your propper cycle from starting.
isit true then ladies that you dont have an AF if your BFing or expressing??? xx

Most women exclusively breastfeeding dont get their period back for the 1st 6 months at least but a few will. Also if you are not 100% breastfeeding or baby is sleeping through the night it is much more likely to return earlier. Apparently the hormones produced by feeding that stop you ovulating only last from one feed to the next so if you skip just one feed or have a gap that is too big between feeds it can give enough time for an egg to escape and cause your cycle to return. Expressing often stops your from getting your period but not as much as BFing. A few women dont get their period back at all until they stop BF or expressing altogether but it varies from woman to woman.
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