Finally feeling movements!!

So very sorry to hear you are still going through all this stress and worry, really hope you get your scan soon and it will be able to answer some things and put your mind at rest xxxxxx
Thanks babe.. :)
Just wanna camp outside the mw office to catch them talking about what the plans are for me today coz I know they ain't gonna tell me!
oh no hope the nice one stays looking after u today !! men just dont understand !! one dr told me to take para for spd pain I couldnt even walk !! para does nothing and the cant prescribe anything strong so just dont bother. hope u get your time for scan soon and thats its the nice guy again xxxx
I think you're being really patient! I would have kicked off by now. hope you get some answers today :)
oh dear :( you are going through so much!!

just wanted to send you lots of :hugs::hugs::hugs:

hopefully it all will be over soon... It just can't carrry on like this for long!

hang on there xx
hiya! cannot believe you are still in there :( thinking bout you lots and boo to the mean MW being about! cant wait to see update after scan xxxxxx

Hope you get some answers today.

Have you not seen your girls since Thursday? Are they with their gran?

I just wanna slap one of them seriously!!!
Another doc came n finally agreed to examine me coz I voiced my concerns again.. All looks fine she said.. Nice lady right??
No.. She doesn't think it's necessary for me to have a scan!!!! So going to find out out for me if I'm having this bloody scan or not.. Getting really pissed off now!!!
If they come back n say no scan I'm gonna be well pissed off!!

Also asked her about my urine samples and she said the one they sent thurs was ok but the swab they took showed something beginning with c... Basically like thrush.. So she wants to give me a pessary..

I've been here since THURSDAY!!!!!

If there was no need for this advanced scan why didn't they decide that yesterday?????!!!

Hope you get some answers today.

Have you not seen your girls since Thursday? Are they with their gran?


No I haven't even spoken to them!!! Besides Ellie begging me to take her home Thursday night... Feel so guilty but I thought it was best for them not to visit or talk to me or they'd miss me too much and not settle for my mum..
Mum picks them up from school n dinner bath bed.. OHs mum gets them ready for school and takes them in for me..
hiya! cannot believe you are still in there :( thinking bout you lots and boo to the mean MW being about! cant wait to see update after scan xxxxxx

Might not even get the scan now!!!

They haven't even monitored me this morning!!!
What a complete nightmare hun. I hope you get some proper answers soon. Hang in there xxx
what the hell they playing at.!!!! I can see you are gonna av to tell them you want a scan not ask or be nice anymore,

When i once had to go in for a scan, the silly MW had forgot to book it!! one smart arse said ''oh it wont be today will be like next week i bet'' and my response was well you better get me in or i will leave now, wont let you monitor me and will change hospitals grrrr got me scan, embarrassed me mom lol but blamed hormones.

The main thing thats pissing me off about what you are going through is they are not being straight with you and its not on and is causing so much worry. They should not discuss what they are gonna do or want to do and the next stage unless thats really what they are gonna do!!!! makes me mad!! xxxxxxxxx lots of hugs xxxxxxxxx
No scan..
Gonna monitor me then going home. Said I'll come back every day for a ctg monitor (if no movement) and that's it.

She said she didnt know why they kept me in at the weekend I could have gone home and come back to be monitored every day
She said she went thru my notes for two hours to see why I needed this scan and asked two consultants why they thought I needed the scan.

Oh not even gonna monitor me now I was monitored at 4am coz I was in pain and they said that's enough.

Going home really pissed off.

Got a prescription for thrush and that's it :roll:
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w@nkers!!!!!! im glad everything is fine for you hun but i still think that hospital and staff is pure shambles! xxxx
what the hell they playing at.!!!! I can see you are gonna av to tell them you want a scan not ask or be nice anymore,

When i once had to go in for a scan, the silly MW had forgot to book it!! one smart arse said ''oh it wont be today will be like next week i bet'' and my response was well you better get me in or i will leave now, wont let you monitor me and will change hospitals grrrr got me scan, embarrassed me mom lol but blamed hormones.

The main thing thats pissing me off about what you are going through is they are not being straight with you and its not on and is causing so much worry. They should not discuss what they are gonna do or want to do and the next stage unless thats really what they are gonna do!!!! makes me mad!! xxxxxxxxx lots of hugs xxxxxxxxx

So upset!! She even said they measured the head and tummy yesterday when they didn't but she said it's written down!! I can't do or say fuck all really..
Just wanna go home feel like crying I fucking hate this!!!
awwww im so mad they've upset you like this. Bet you feel like you need a good rest! how is LO at the min moving well? xxxx
Oh hunni !! Can't get over what u have been through !! On the plus side at least u get to b with your girls !! And maybe if this don't improve with movements they may listen !! I would b trying all old wives tales now see if u can get this moving !! Xxx
awww hun, that's what they said to me, they said thats wy my bump was hurting and my contractions were strong, went to the MW yesterday and she says my results came back saying I'd got thrush and that could be what caused the pain?? really???? you poor thing :hugs: hope you feel better soon and LO moves around more, be thinking of you hun
Aww chick, really feel for you, they are being bloody useless, like the contrations and tightens were showing up on the monitor and everything and its not normal to be in severe pain. Tbh if its still the same in a few days, Id goto another hospital. Good luck chick xxx

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