Finally feeling movements!!

awww hun, that's what they said to me, they said thats wy my bump was hurting and my contractions were strong, went to the MW yesterday and she says my results came back saying I'd got thrush and that could be what caused the pain?? really???? you poor thing :hugs: hope you feel better soon and LO moves around more, be thinking of you hun

Thanks Hun wish they were that quick with me!!!

So angry and frustrated

Still in pain :(

Old wives tales to move things along?... Such as?? :D
LO still isn't moving enough and I'm still getting tightenings!
I wanna go in full labour now so I can come down with my baby and slap them all in the face lol!!
old wives tales like eating hot curry, long walk ( know thats one is probably out) driving over speed bumps, fresh pinapple, nipple stimulation and have sex:blush: also the castor oil !!! have u started drinking raspberry leaf tea ? think thats supposed to help more during the pushing stage though rather than start labour. if u like chilli's start adding fresh ones to everything !! xxxx
I've got some rlt from my sister just not got round to drinking it yet.. I may start :)

Taking ages with my notes now I just wanna leave!!
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oh castor oil i had that with my second and sent me into labour the nxt day xx
me mom tried castor oil the once, and many friends, I have heard mostly that it works but really only does so becase it either makes you really sick or need to empty bowels and the irritation can trigger or push on contractions :)
dont think MW's recommend it as can cause alittle stress to baby think you can get cramps aswell but it pretty much works fast!

With pineapples think you need to eat 7 to do any good including the hard stuff in the middle :0 xxxxx
i never tried it myself but some say it works !! think it was my friends homemade curry with fresh chillis that started me off with Kian. might all just b coincidence but worth a try at least !! they always take ages with notes its a right pain !! that will b the dr though xxx
LO still isn't moving enough and I'm still getting tightenings!
I wanna go in full labour now so I can come down with my baby and slap them all in the face lol!!
Hey chick, i had a tiny tiny prem baby, but if you did have your baby now he/she would prob go to special care. Like my little one. And you would probs have to say in hospital for a while. We stayed in for two weeks. Having a prem baby isn't fun my lovely. So your best staying pregnant for longer xxxxxxxxx
Geez bunch of tossers, seriously what harm would it have done them to scan you? not like it would have taken long and that's the best way to check on baby, grrrrrrr I'm so mad just reading about them not doing it, so sorry hun, hugzzzzzzz
I know.. Wouldn't take much to do a scan.. She was even like they checked tummy and head measurements yesterday n I was like, no just blood flow and fluid! She was adamant it was written down... Checked and it said it had been done on 30th.. Not yesterday!! Dick!! Considering paying for a normal scan for reassurance!! No point 4d now.. Plus can't afford it lol but I'm sure they do cheap normal scans..?

Back home.. Mums got kids n giving them dinner etc then bringing them bk here.. Needed to chill and sleep first.. Been on n off n had some weird dreams lol

Thanks everyone for all your kind and reassuring messages throughout this shitty week!! I really appreciate it!!
Hunny I'm so sorry you're going through all this, but I agree with Don-Don - I really wouldn't advise you try to bring on labour now, prem labour is not enjoyable for you or baby. I can't imagine the stress you're going through but if you're not in established labour yet, baby is not ready to come out. Also, rasberry leaf tea is not advised for pregnant women before 37 weeks, when baby is full-term. Please don't take this as me trying to tell you what to do, like I say I have no clue what you're going through, it's just advice xxx
No I wouldn't induce myself..
Rlt is ok from 33w isn't it???
Mainly pissed off coz she said at the scan yesterday they measured tummy and head but they clearly didn't!! It even says on notes it was done on Friday.. Not yesterday.. So angry.. So many of them insisted on this scan and she waltzed in and said.. No and that's it!
She even said I should have had cervix scanning from 20w which I didn't get coz of the other hosp.. And she agreed I needed a growth scan at 26w (the one they said no to me at when I took the kids and OH, layed on table n they said.. No'
Sick of being told I need this n that then last min I don't!!!
rlt is fine from 32 weeks and evidence suggests it doesn't start labour just helps with the second stage. glad u got some rest hun. keep an eye on things, and can read up on old wives tales ready for 37 weeks !! xxx
Oh sweetheart, I can't imagine how frustrated you must be, I know they are acting horribly incompetent right now and that must be so upsetting :hugs: I am sorry hun x

I read 37 weeks for rlt, but that was just in a pregnancy mag, maybe it was wrong. Best bet is to ask your mw I suppose xxx
did some research on it as wasnt sure what it did or when to start think baby care center have info on it on there xxx

yer its on baby centre just checked ap on my phone there some advice on there for reason not to take it like if u have had a c section or premature birth. it tones muscles in uterus to help it work better in labour. takes a while to build up too so need to take it for few weeks to b of any benefitxxx
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Thankyou Lewisca, it's a pain when there's conflicting advice in mags / on websites etc xxx
What a nightmare for you jaycee, enjoy being at jhome with your girls xx

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