so basically they said you had candida (sp?) and thats it.
bollocks, and as to spontaneously developing spd it dont feel like contractions or cause them as far as im aware. id deffo want a second opinion or go to my gp.
Yeah I think that's what it was..
I didn't think it could develop that quick either.. Plus the contractions I was having were too strong for bh!! My normal strong bh registered at 25 on monitor.. These were 85! Hence the steroids they gave me.. I just wanted an answer and it seems after being in hospital since Thursday away from my kids, putting everyone out.. I've got nothing!! Just a cop off if u ask me!!
I'm happy to be home in my own bed.. Just gonna struggle with the kids and it's not fair on them.. I've not seen them yet I asked mum to pick them up n dinner etc one last time while I try n sleep to build up my energy n rest my pains (still bh, pressure n back pain)
She's on her way now so I'll see my babies within half hr

miss them so much gonna find it hard not to cry lol!!
There was +4 blood and +2 leu in my urine so maybe I do have a bit of an infection or something too so will take the pessary she gave me tonight..
I'll try and rest and do things as if I've got spd to see if it helps at all.. May even buy a support belt.. If I can't bear it still after a couple of days I'm gonna go gp..
Got an antenatal appointment booked for 13th already from the other week so I can raise my concerns there if need be..
I still have to go every day to have ctg monitoring for as long as I've got reduced movements.. When I'm happy with it I can stop going.
Such a long week!!