Fighting daytime naps - quite distressing


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2011
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This has started in the past week. She has three a day, the first is normally ok, she just grumbles a bit, but the other two have been awful, proper full on screaming fits. It doesn't last for long but it quite distressing, and it doesn't matter where she is trying to sleep (her cot, her car seat, me etc) she will have a really good cry before she settles. I have been reading her signs, trying to put her down before she is tired etc but nothing seems to make much difference.

She is still settling and sleeping brilliantly at night so I'm not too worried, but I don't like seeing her so upset. Is this normal? It's like she knows when she goes to sleep she might be missing out on something!
With Albert I've put this down to sheer bloomin nosiness.I've been playing music on youtube with the lyrics on screen cos he watches that til he nods off lol
Yep same here!!! Only naps that are easy are morning ones. Afternoon naps are always a battle of wills!
yip - snap. I put it down to nosiness to. doesnt want to miss anything. xxx
exactly the same here, yesterday was a nightmare but im winning today thankfully

no advice but im hoping someone else does. x
I'll join you in this club. I think Harry is worried he'll miss out on something!!
K is the same too, and much worse when other people are in the house besides me. They don't want to miss a thing!
Max is usually like this on his mid afternoon one, I just keep persisting - I stroke his head and say shhhh over n over n it works. If he really really fights it then I put loud music on - The Script to be precise, n he's off instantly! xxxxx
can I join the club too AJ is a nightmare in the day too.
Dylan too! I sometimes do hand holding, head stroking and shhh. Sometimes the tv helps or a not too exciting toy, just to quietly hold and look at till he drops off!
I'm a big softy, I've had to resort to rocking her off. X

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(

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