Daytime naps


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2011
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Need any advice or tips you lovely ladies may have. For her daytime naps I usually put Angel in her Graco swing chair (I don't turn the rocking motion on sometimes) and I'm trying to put her down for her daytime naps in her cot and she won't have any of it. She sleeps in her cot perfectly at night but in the day she just cries. Any tips on making this easier? I know it's probably one of those things we have to persevere with but I don't want to let her cry :( xx
I started a daytime nap routine for the cot which is different to the night time. It took about a week of trying 3 times a day but now she goes down fine most of the time. I usually either sit next to her but don't talk to her (usually on pf!) or do chores upstairs with her door open so she knows it's only for a little nap rather than a long sleep
Hey, I didn't want to read and run, but perseverance is all I have to offer! Caleb used to only nap on the sofa, then in his moses basket in theliving room. Eventually he got way too big for it so he goes in his crib upstairs. He didn't like it at first, mainly because he didn't like being left, but I just kept putting his dummy in and he has 2 comfort blankets (one each side of his face) and now he sleeps 2 hours twice a day xx
Thanks for the replies, I will persevere as best I can but I absolutely hate it when she cries. HV said after 3 months you can let them 'cry it out' for a certain amount of time (obviously as long as they're not hungry, cold/hot, poorly, or wanting a cuddle) but I don't know how long is too long to let her cry? I can only bear it for a minute or two before running in. I try not to talk to her. OH took over this afternoon and it took an hour for her to doze off. He just went in every so often and put her dummy back in, kissed her on the head and left again. He didn't let her scream she was just like whingy iykwim :S x
I can't let my baby cry so I've been doing a pick up put down technique from the baby whisperer. Basically give them 5 mins wind down time, put them down for a nap. When they start crying pick them up, settle, and put down the instant they stop crying. If they start again pick them back up. All the time talking soothingly and patting them on the back. If they start fighting you put them down too. Really worked for Drake! Stay with them for the first few times and shhh or tap when they stir but we're getting 2 x 1.5-2 hour naps plus a shorter on near evening.

My hv also said just to let him ary it out but lots of what I read says some babies don't learn to self settle till 6 months and if you leave them to cry it out they basically just accept that your not coming back. I'm far too soft for that even if its not true!
Wicked advice hun I'll try this tomorrow and let u know how we get on :)
If i catch issacs forst yawn or whine i can put him in his cot and he is happy to doze of but if i miss it he crys and crys but he is crying for his dummy so i just pop his dummy in and thankfully he sleeps with his hand against his dummy, so i just remind him where his hand normally goes and he pushes it back in (most times) and not on purpose its just cos his hand is blocking the dummy from just slipping out.

I found that letting him have a cry (for about 30secs as he sometimes really goes for it) whilst i was there next to him then popping his dummy in (if it fell out) or stroking his back would settle him straight away and he would doze off instantly (he is a tummy sleeper)

I was at one point at the end of my teather trying to get him to nap but i can see when he is tired now so i try and catch him early

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