Feeling more positive :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Bit of a pointless thread really but need to tell you all, after using my cycle calendar for the first time since my mmc, i put in the date the doctor said my af had started and i was looking when my fertile dates would of been and if all the dates are right we had sexy time twice on my most fertile day :) which ties in with the 2 cheeky opks i did, fx it is right x x

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Hey M2A

How's you today?

Not pointless at all, I love hearing about everyones journeys & the fact it's looking really positive for you, even better :)

My fx for you hun

Hi Kezza :wave:

How are you?
Im still feeling under the weather but happily under the weather knowing we may have caught ov if all my dates added up :)
Its strange how one minute i say im going to take it as it comes and NTNP then the next ive got my cycle calendar up and im doing opks! Guess i can say im offically a ttcer now hehe :)
Ive got my fingers and toes crossed for you hunny, lets hope santa gives us our wish x x

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Ah good stuff, I think it's great & for you that everythings all falling into place & you & your OH are TTC without even having to speak about it if that makes sense, it's like your both so in sync with each other & sub consciously
Sorry I'll start that again, pressed the wrong button!!!

Ah good stuff, I think it's great & am so happy for you that everythings all falling into place & you & your OH are TTC without even having to speak about it if that makes sense, it's like your both so in sync with each other & sub consciously both know that the times right :)

Yeah I'm feeling like poo today but looking at last months cycle had a cold around the same time so either coincidental or it's one of my OV symptoms

Things could be better with the OH but at same time could be so much worse, hey ho

Not a pointless tread at all! We need to hear about the positve thoughts around here:)
That you are feeling good, makes me feel good:) Thank you:)!!
Thanks ladies, i thought id share some of my positive dust :dust::dust::dust:

Kezza- hope you and your OH are feeling better soon x x

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Thanks M2A

Fx Santa gives us the best prezzie in the world for Christmas

Great new hun!

Glad you are feeling better, so that means you are in the TTW! yay!

Really hope its a new years BFP for you!

Thanks Nurse :) lots of babydust for you :dust::dust::dust: x x

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my fingers are crossed for a Christmas:bfp:for you hon x x
Best of luck sweetie, hope you get the bestest Xmas pressie ever of a bfp xx
Thank you so much ladies, you are all the best :) x x

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Fingers crossed hun. :dust:

I keep swinging from feeling really positive that something will happen soon, to feeling really down like nothing's ever going to happen. But I'm feeling good right now, that's the main thing. :)

I was reading about thinking positively to help make you healthier for conceiving the other day, perhaps I need to try a dose of that. ;)
Have my fingerscrossed for you, sending lots of :dust::dust::dust:your way x

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