Feel like giving up bf :'(

I agree with Sarah, 2lb is a huge amount to expect her to put on in 2 weeks - bloody HV's! I find I avoid getting her weighed at my local clinic as its like your on show and everyone can hear everything and I just find it stressful, esp as Sophia has Larynmalacia as they always go on about how noisy her breathing is! It's like a fucking know how she breathes I'm her mum I'm with her 24/7, she has a floppy larynx according to the doc!! I feel like I have to explain everytime I go down there and it just upsets me. If it was said confidentially it wouldn't be so bad but everyone can hear everything said. A student midwife plotted Sophia incorrectly last time too, put her on chart as though she was older than she was so looked like she had dropped from 75th to 25th, she was actually on 50th! She had been poorly in hosp with Bronchiolitis so I wasn't worried, was to be expected. They wanted me to have a HV home visit about it!! I soon put my HV straight when she visited about plotting incorrectly and there was no need for concern as she had been ill it was only to be expected. What a waste of time!!
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Sorry to hear she is poorly hun it must be so upsetting especially as they keep bringing it up publicly :( I don't particularly like how they all speak in front of everyone there should be a separate room like my old clinic, if u needed to see a hv after weighing you'd wait for a room to be free and go in with them in private! Much better!
I didn't like how this hv was, was just like well we will have to put her on formula if she doesn't get back on 25th and kinda killed the fact I was happy she was gaining her weight back!! Yes she should be gaining more, I know that.. I'm just happy she hasn't dropped more and has put back on what she lost!!

Great news! She's been feeding very well today seems to be gradually latching on more she even got the skin under my nipple with her lip!! I can feel that she's taking more as she sucks the sensation is very different and much better!!! She had a good first feed as usual at 10am, fed well at 1:45pm, again at 5:30pm and 8:30pm, all decent satisfying feeds :cheer: then came the moment of truth, her final feed at 11:30pm.. A good 15min feed and a break then again for 15-20mins and she fell asleep on me!!! :cheer: first time in over two weeks she's got a decent feed at night!!! I'm so bloody happy!!!!! :cheer: I was petrified of her needing formula again! Took my feeding pillow up with me and I think that's helped with her latch at night too coz I usually lay down with her on my long pillow and feed.. I'm so happy!!! We are gonna gain that weight in two weeks I'm determined!!!!
So pleased I had a good day feeding !! I'm with the other girls as long as she is gaining I wouldn't worry !! Hv do my head in half the time they r just trying to teach experienced mums to suck eggs !! My hv was even trying to get me do my hv training ! If Lily is anything like her mum and sisters she is going to b slender not a big bruiser ! Both my boys spent most of the time on the 9th centile at 5 Ethan only weighs 2 stone 8 . Xxx

Yeah Ellie is 2st and Jaycee is 3st nearly 4, she's tall!
I do hate hvs sometimes but there can be some that are really good so it's a huge shame when u come across a bad one that puts u off :(
She's so settled :) still asleep thank god it's half term and we can sleep in :cheer:
Yey !! Love getting one up on mil ! Lol xx

Hehe!! She just txt and asked how her mouth was n her feeding.. As if I've hurt her :( she's fine and feeding FROM ME perfectly thanks bitch!!! :lol:
There is no way u have hurt her ! U have made it easier for her to get what she needs ! Stupid women !! Can't understand people who frown on bf ! I have ff all of my kids cos I couldn't bring myself to bf wish I could have done in alot of ways but would never tell someone to ff rather bf ! Xxx

Thanks hun Shes really pissing me off lately!!! Just had a massive row with OH bout her! I failed bf with my first two so being able to bf this one really means everything to me!! I'd never tell anyone how to feed their baby!! End of the day they need milk from somewhere it doesn't really matter where as long as they get fed!! She really makes me so fucking angry pushing the bottle on me!!!!
She also needs to understand that she is YOUR child. She might disagree with things that YOU do for YOUR child's upbringing bit tough she's had her go!

I just smile and nod then do what I want iykwim?

Thanks hun.. She's causing other probs and it's really hurtful! Dividing my children coz my girls aren't theirs just lily.. I'm never gonna split them up it's fucking wrong I'm so angry and upset right now!!!!!!
That's just wrong! My mum and step dad both had previous children before getting together and not had 2 together and we are now some weird extended family! In fact you should send her to us, everyone in my family have broken up and remarried, we're experts lol!

Keep your chin up, you know what's right!

Problem is their family all stay together.. His mum n dad are still together..
I always knew there would be problems with our situation but I never expected it this soon!! And blatant! I'm so upset I might have to write a thread to get it out.. See if I'm in the wrong for feeling like this too!
I thought you might be interested in this link if your milk doesn't improve you can take this medication to help increase your supply, its a last resort but used when mothers don't make enough milk and the baby isn't gaining enough http://www.breastfeedingonline.com/domperidone.shtml

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Oooh thanks babe I'll look into that if the fenugreek doesn't work, not got it yet :(
Thanks for all ur help babe you've been great! You all have!
I thought I was having problems with my supply too. So for past few days I've let Joshua latch on for as long as he likes. I can tell he has taken everything but let him carry on. He doesn't get upset so guessing its comfort sucking. Before, I would of detached him but have noticed since leaving him on longer, my milk is coming in alot more. Glad to hear things are improving. And omg mil sounds like a nightmare. My mil keeps phoning hubby asking how josh is, how he's feeing and sleeping, and even said during first two weeks of is arrival if we wernt coping she would have him for a bit. Both hubby n isaid no thanks as we were happily bonding with our baby.xx
Grrr mils lol!!!
I've been trying to get her to comfort suck on me for the same reasons.. She loves her dummy and gets angry if she gets nothing from me.. Even if the let down takes too long to kick in she gets angry lol!! Impatient moo! The tongue tie has defo helped her latch I can feel the difference and see she's on better, she's feeding longer each time now :cheer:
Glad ur supply has picked up :cheer:
After reading your other thread, I def dot think you should give up! Otherwise you will have to hear your mil say, well I can give her a bottle, leave her with me all day!!!!!! :)
Lol!! That's another thing that pushes me to bf!! She was even trying to give me a time limit saying its disgusting after 6months 'you aren't gonna do it that long are you??!!' :shock: sod off!!! I'll do it as long as I can!! Got my fenugreek today, 2 tabs 3 times a day it says.. Hopefully it will boost me up so I can get her weight right up!!
It's like she's sickened by her granddaughter feeding from my body.. Idiot :roll:

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