Weight drop again :(

Try not offer the other breast for let down make her stay on the same breast for hind milk as foremilk is not as fatty as hind it's more a thirst quencher.

Get her to fully empty the first breast and she will probably be fuller then plus getting the fattier milk.
Thanks ladies :) I'll give it all a try!!
Yeah he could do more he used to! He works 7days a week fair enough but my job never ends!! I'm a mum 24/7!! Hate it when men don't get that!!!!
Just another thought, do you wear Lilyanna in a sling at all? I read somewhere what baby wearing can help with breast feeding but not sure where I read that. I think it's good because if you walk about all day with them strapped to you they can smell your milk and your body is also getting messages sent to produce milk. There are lots of sling 'libraries' around so maybe get a loan of one if you have one nearby and don't own one. I carry Kynon a lot (mostly in my arms!) and now I think about it I wonder if that's helped me too!
Thanks babe.. Unsure if I wanna go down that route as she self settles fantastically and I don't want her to et like how Jaycee was.. I'm scarred for life lol!! If I hold her too long I worry and have to put her down.. Love cuddles to death but I don't wanna overdo it..

There's a bf group down the rd from me im not sure if it's still there it's only 10-11:30 on Monday's.. May have a butchers!!

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