Anyone thought about feeding??

I'd like to breast-feed but I also want OH feeding baby and possibly my mum as she loves babies! So I want to bottle breast milk as well as breast-feed little one directly xxx
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There really shouldn't be all this pressure on mums, it's a shame that everyone who is bottle feeding in this thread has almost felt like they need to apologize! I was asked at my 12 booking in app whether I was going to breast feed, I know I plan to but that's putting pressure on from day one! I mean yeah talk about these things at antenatal classes or nearer the big day so we have all the info but at your 12 week app seems a bit soon to me, youve barely got used to being pregnant! I was even asked what my birth plans were!!!

I was thinking about this after posting this thread. Their 'helpful' advice on feeding your child makes (1st time especially) mums feel like they've failed before they've even had the baby! I don't know if the NHS are going the right way about it!
yeah i have been thinking about it too. I like the idea of BF and will try to make that happen if i can but i also like the idea of evening expressed bottles so DH can help feed baby too and join in the fun. i really think it'll be a trial and error thing for us all and as long as we dont beat ourselves up if plan A doesnt work then we should stay sane?! My sis BF for 3 months and wanted to go to 6 but her DD wasnt getting enough milk and it became stressful for all so formula was then introduced but my sister cried for a week solid that she had let her baby down, i hate the pressure that new mums seem to be under with government/NHS enforcing their thoughts so strongly. Do what feels best and be happy as long as baby grows :-) thats my motto!
I'm going to bottle feed my baby formula and proud!
I watched my mum bf and she was miserable. I remember I tried to bf my son and I have very sensitive nipples and it felt as tho I was getting turned on! That's not a good feeling with a newborn attached so I refused and wet straight to bottle and my son is healthy!
Yes breast is best etc, but formulas today are just as good! Hats off to the mums that do bf, I would love to! But can't and won't and my mw will b getting told this too.
This is your body and your baby, you have to do the night feeds, not the midwife in my eyes, you do what's best for your situation, not by hers.
I sound like a perv here but when I see a mum feeding her baby naturally, I find it so lovely, but unfortunately I can't do it x
I bottlefed my daughter because I couldn't get breastfeeding to work as it was so painful, and then with my son I had so much help and support, I managed to breastfeed without any problems (after a few initial hiccups) and loved it. So I will definitely try breastfeeding again, but if it doesn't work, I won't beat myself up about it, either. I do have to say that my daughter has asthma, though, which my son doesn't - of course I can't be sure whether or not that is definitely to do with bottlefeeding her.

I tried your idea with giving expressed milk by bottle, pinkyprincess, but there just wasn't enough of it. My midwife at the time told me that because expressing doesn't stimulate the milk production hormomes in the same way as the baby suckling at the breast, you would have to express religiously every 3 hours, day AND night, to produce enough milk - and somehow that seems a lot more work to me than straightforward breastfeeding.

But be that as it may, I totally agree with all the others that this is a very personal decision to make, and whatever you choose to do in the end, it should be something that you feel happy with without having to feel you need to justify yourself in front of your family or midwife or whoever.

Sorry, this has turned into rather an essay...
Ideally I'd like to bf, but am planning to combine it with expressing as I'm hoping it'll get the LO used to bottles from an early age so I don't feel pressurised to carry on bf too long(my friend bf till her son was nearly 3 as he wouldn't take a bottle) and also so the DH can take his turn with the feeds!
But if bf doesnt work out I'm not going to tear myself up about it! A lot of women recommend bottle as you can tell how much milk the baby is getting so it stops you getting up a million times in the night!
But everyone is individual and everyone is free to make their own decisions, I'm not judging anyone Xx
I'm hoping to breastfeed/express as long as I can, with maybe a formula bottle before bedtime if it helps LO sleep longer, but It will depend on my LO and how I'm feeling.

I certainly going to give it a go anyway, and if we get into the swing of it, then yay! :yay:

If not, then I'll bottle feed, as thats whats best for us both x
Please bottle mums (there's a name!! :)), Don't feel you need to apologise for using formula...different strokes for different folks, at the end of the day all any of us want is a happy, healthy, feeding baby, and whether that's as a result of b/feeding or formula or expressing really shouldn't matter.

I b'fed our first baby, had no problems and enjoyed it and will hopefully b'feed this little one too - but if for some reason I can't - it's not the end of the world and I will happily go with formula.

As long as baby is happy and healthy nobody should be judged on how they choose to feed their little ones.
I will be formula feeding little missy, i did think about breast feeding but its just not for me or my OH. I formula fed Adam and he is perfectly fine, he was a very hungry baby and i wouldnt of been able to keep up with his demand anyway! x x

I breast fed for 7 and a half months last time. But I wish I hadn't.

I was feeding for 6 hours a day and crying the rest of it, with exhaustion, blocked ducts and thrush.

I hated it for the first five months. It didn't make me bond quicker with my baby and he has still ended up with allergies. It also gave me horrendous depression, the main reason there is such a big gap between the two of mine.

My advice is to do what you bloody well please! A baby needs a happy mum more than it needs breast milk.

And if my health visitor tries to force me to breast feed she will be feeling the full force of my opinion! :-)
Just popping in, my baby is 8 months old and I've been breastfeeding the whole time. It's not easy, but I had a midwife that visited nearly every day, a supportive husband and the desire to save money!

I bought in formula and bottles just in case and at moments of desperation I did attempt to use them. I think the three week old mark is a growth spurt and I really struggled.

It's not easy as I said before. Isla had jaundice at birth which was lengthened to 3 month old as I was breastfeeding her. I felt awful for prolonging her jaundice but it soon cleared up.

The best thing is I'm back to my pre-pre pregnancy weight! I've lost three stone in eight months :) I've also saved £400 in not buying formula.

It's completely up to you what you plan to do. I thought giving my story.

Emma x

I'm starting to feel put off bf!! :s

Don't be put off - you never know if you'll be someone who gets on totally fine with it. Give it a try and see how you get on!

Sarah W Baby Belly - I can 100% relate to your post.

Its the same as most things in life, some people can do it, some people cant, some people want to, some people dont. Its a personal choice. Its a shame that people feel like they should continue it for months if they know they'd rather not do it, just because of pressure.
I'll jump in as well - i am planning to try but buying formula just in case, my problem is i have very sensitive nipples, ever oh is not allowed to touch them since i got pg, its such a weird feeling. So i dont know if i will be able to go with bf, we will see
I'll jump in as well - i am planning to try but buying formula just in case, my problem is i have very sensitive nipples, ever oh is not allowed to touch them since i got pg, its such a weird feeling. So i dont know if i will be able to go with bf, we will see

I'm the exact same, not comfortable at all.
I'm starting to feel put off bf!! :s

Try to stay open minded to both options, things will become clearer the closer you get and how you feel. Some new mums just dont know till babys arrived as they have nothing to compare it to. there's a lot of people who breast feed just for the first day or two as the colostrum is the most important part then decide to bottle feed as it's not for them, that might help you decide which option suits you.

Either way you will still need to buy bottles and sterilizer before. I understand both options and reasons, personally I loved the closeness and bond and that the baby was still dependent on me, as well as getting my figure back quickly, you even feel your tummy muscles tightening and closing as you feed!

I think that if children are going to have allergies they will regardless of how you feed but I do believe the baby has your immunity to some things while your feeding, a bit like while your pregnant so once you stop they will get whatever. I kind of see it as an extension to pregnancy in a way, baby still dependent on you nourishing it, which is good and bad!
This has been a really interesting and useful thread. I'm hoping to breast feed LO myself most of the time to start with but expressing enough for at least one bottle with Dad everyday so he can share the experience. Then when I go back to work the LO will have to go to nursery/childminder so I'll have to express milk for that, or switch to formula, so if the baby's been used to bottle feeding by then it'll make things easier. While this thread hasn't changed my mind at all, it has helped me to realise that things might not work out like I planned and that's OK too. We'll just get on with whatever works when the time comes.
I am not breast feeding but that is because of medication too.

if i could i would but i think it is one of those things that is completely up to the mum! i was shocked at how much it was pushed down ur throat (excuse the pun) when i went to the antenatal clinic, it was on the screen, on posters, on literature and the nurse asked!! xx
I do find it's a bit over the top atm, my mw doesn't shut up about bf and home birth!
I had my 16 week midwife appointment this morning and i met a lady who dealt only with breast feeding and helping women who want to do it, i already said that i wanted to do it but was worried because some people eith cant or just dont take to it. She reassured me that when crumpet arrives i will have the help i need in and out of hospital to make it comfortable and help both of us. She advised even though the hospital dont supply milk not to take formula in because its easy to give up if i find it difficult (which she said is quite common for the 1st few days) if i have no breastmilk the hospital do have an emergency supply just incase.

she also talked about skin to skin and how its important and calming for the baby, im feeling much better and im actually looking forward to BF and skin to skin when the birth is over.


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