Breast feeding...

I hope to breastfeed Ellis but keeping an open mind and having formula, bottles etc to hand just incase. For me it comes down to convience and cost, its free and my boobies won't need to be heated up at god knows what time. (really not a night person :doh: ) Our local NHS also has a very good breastfeeding support group so I'm quite lucky. I've had friends who were left too it and not offered support or help in those first few days and gave up much to their disappointment.

All being successful I want to do it exclusively for about 6 weeks and then express so OH can do his share of the night feeds. I understand that trying to introduce bottles within the first 6 weeks can confuse the baby.

Ultimatley you can only do what you feel is best for you and your baby and nobody has a right to judge you.
formula feeding here, I cannot "do" breast feeding, each to their own but its not for me in the slightest. I am very nervous about our hospital though as I have heard the midwives are very anti bottle and make women feel like crap if they go down that route, we will be out of the hospital ASAP if it turns out to be true
cyclura said:
formula feeding here, I cannot "do" breast feeding, each to their own but its not for me in the slightest. I am very nervous about our hospital though as I have heard the midwives are very anti bottle and make women feel like crap if they go down that route, we will be out of the hospital ASAP if it turns out to be true

I actually found the opposite to be true. I felt they were happy I was on formula for an easy life :? I'd keep an open mind and certainly don't prepare to feel all defensive about it. You're so vulnerable after birth.
I hope our hospital is like that but a friend of mine works on that ward as relief every now and again and she hates it, she has been told off so many times for grabbing a new mum a bottle by her superiors.

I will just get on with it tbh, my partner will bring me in formula and bottles should I need it anyway and I am hoping my friend is on the wards that day
If you don't want to breastfeed babes then don't.. It's totally your decision and don't let anyone tell you it's right/wrong because YOU have to be comfortable because you'll be a new, learning Mum.

I personally don't think I could have a baby and not TRY to breastfeed, but that's just me! I'm not pro-breast or pro-bottle, I'm pro-"what's best for Mum!" :D

I was scared about going out & about breastfeeding but you get over the shyness sooooo quickly. With me, I was so proud that I was a young, single, poor(ish) Mum but that I was breastfeeding my baby.

If I went out, I'd go to a cafe or something, have a cuppa and stick Miss Evie under my jumper. Sometimes I'd get my boob out, put her on and then put a muslin on top of my boob so everyone knew I was breastfeeding, but couldn't see my boob!

Anyway, it's 100% up to you. Having a newborn is stressful anyway, without the worry of how to feed them :hug: xxx
I breastfed my first from day 1 for about 3 months when Im sorry to say the milk got less and less, so when they say thatr body adjusts thats not always the case, as he went onto a bottle and started sleeping through the night. However my 3 months BF'ing was a dream, I didnt even buy bottles/teats/formula etc as I knew I was going to try, and if it failed then OH would have had to go out and buy it all. I loved the fact if he woke in the night I could feed him in my own bed, half asleep, with a nightlight on, my eyes still shut, then put him back to bed. Sometimes I remember waking up to a wet top and thinking 'please wake up for a feed' at 3am LOL needing the relief off my boobs!

Try to ignore your family, I dont like the sound of them saying that you should be doing this that and the other, its your decision, your baby, your body!

Another thing, I never fed my son in public, I used to time my trips out around feeds, so if I knew I needed to shop, I would feed him, then go shopping and make sure I was home for the next one, as I am shy too and didnt want to BF in public, however that was 8 years ago and there are a lot of rooms in places now where mums can go, mothercare/mall changing areas, with a curtain for feeding mums, so it doesnt really bother me.
Listen hun.. if you really don't want to.. then PLEASE don't let people pressure you to do so. I let that happen to me and I have regretted it ever since. If you don't want to do it.. don't do it. Simple as that. Even the nurses at the hospital after you've had baby will try and pressure you.. ask you why you're not doing it.. etc. Don't let them pressure you! Stand your ground. I was never fed by breast, and I am perfectly healthy etc. Powder milk is so close to breast milk these days..

..promise me you wont let people pressure you? This is all about you, your baby, your decision. xxx :hug:
Ultimately, it's a very personal choice so don't let others make you feel bad about it. I was bottle fed and turned out OK :)

Personally, I think there are so many benefits that I'm determined to at least give it a try, I'd feel terrible if I didn't at least give it a go. I too am worried about doing it in front of people and in public, but at the end of the day, I feel it's best for my baby so I will just have to get over it when the time comes. One thing that cemented it in my mind was reading about a lady who had a late m/c and and spoke of her longing to feed that baby. However, I do plan to keep a very open mind and if it doesn't work out for us then I will switch to bottle without any guilt because I know I will have tried my best.

Have you read Myleene's book? She was determined, 100% to bottlefeed and when the time came she put her baby straight on the breast, so you may even change your mind once the baby is born?
Thanks for all the replys, there really helpful :)
I guess deep down I no I dont really want to breastfeed, just feel a bit like 'I should atleast give it a go otherwise theyll think I havent even tried'.
I can see how it is a natural thing to do, I just dont like the idea of having a baby suck my boob tbh.
jazzmum2be said:
Thanks for all the replys guys :)
Expressing would be fine, but Iv heard it takes ages just to get enough for one bottle.
I may try to breastfeed in hospital, but I have really flat/inverted nipples and would be embarased about people seeing that lol
Silly, I no.

They have seen way more than flat or inverted nipples in the maternity unit believe me :) No one will take any notice in the way you think they might about your nipples. Think about it, you would have gone through labour, they would have seen it all by the time it comes to trying to breastfeed :wink:

And feeding out and about does not have to be a trauma. I BF a lot in public and have never had any problems or felt self concious. I BF in cafes, stores, the car, a restaurant, pub..... the only time I don't BF when out is when I am walking around. Never was able to do that as LO was a big baby and hard to cart round and feed at the same time. It isn't that I am bold as brass or anything else, just I didn't and don't have any issues with BF for myself and it was fine for me. I think maybe if someone has a hang up about BF'ing , no matter how small, then it can often cause them to have doubts about it all and to not want to try.

If you want to try breastfeeding there is a great sticky thread in 3rd tri about the early weeks of it all. Maybe try it, you might enjoy it. Even if its only the first few days and LO gets all the colostrum he'd have a really good start. I personally think its worthwhile to try as you might find you enjoy it (although the early days can be hard work).

aww, it does make me sad when mums-to-be are squeamish about BFing because i think its effing marvellous! lol but that's my problem not theirs!

if u WANTED to try it but had concerns that would be another matter but from your posts its clear to me u dont *want* to. so end of! if u dont want to, dont do it, its ur baby and ur boobs ur choice. :hug:
SoonToBeMrs said:
Powder milk is so close to breast milk these days..

Its not, its nowhere near close to breastmilk - breastmilk contains so may good things, including things that haven't yet been recognised so it can't be replicated in formula. However formula will provide your baby adequately with the nutrients they need.

I agree with Minxy, breastfeeding is something you have to want to do. Read around Jazz, there is a ton of literature out there on breast milk and formula milk, and make your own decision that is right for you. Don't let anyone make you feel bad about your informed decision. For what its worth the idea of having a baby on my boob made me feel sick and here I am 4 years later still breastfeeding - but I also recognise its not for everyone. If you are not 100% sure then try it, you can always stop and introduce a bottle but it is harder to start after introducing a bottle.
With all my three boys i started off breast feeding - i think it was that special skin to skin bonding i liked at first but i never got the hang of it and ended up with sore nipples that were agony so never fed for more than 24 hours!

When i had Harry i was dry, not a drop of milk in my boobs!!! I never needed to use one breast pad where as with my first son if i didn't put one in my bra it was like a wet t shirt competition!

This time to be honest i don't feel like breast feeding, i would just rather bottle feed than get myself all sore and worked up about it.

I think you can have very positive bottle feeding experiences with your baby too like:

- stripping off and having skin to skin whilst you bottle feed - who said thats just for the breast fed babies!!

- Dad can do that too so helps with paternal bonding
Cixes said:
- stripping off and having skin to skin whilst you bottle feed - who said thats just for the breast fed babies!!

- Dad can do that too so helps with paternal bonding

Oh!! :) I want to bf but worried that for whatever reason I might not be able to. I'll have to remember this so that we won't feel like we're missing out if it doesn't happen for us. Seems like such an obvious answer but it never even crossed my mind. ;)


[edited for stupidness :angel: ]
Although I believe that breasfeeding is whats best for baby and mum, I don't think anyone should be forced into doing something that they don't want to. If you're not comfortable with the idea of BF then you shouldn't do it just to make people happy.

It might be worth doing a bit of research on breastfeeding though, the benefits etc and some information on how to do it. Have a think and see how you feel once your baby is born. I honestly don't think many people could just have a go at breastfeeding as it isn't easy but be informed about it and if you're still not into it, just do what you're happy with.

I will say though that FF is expensive, time consuming and messy! I wanted to BF and it didn't work out and I find it hard to deal with the hassle that FF brings with it. Extra washing cos of all the bibs, paying for formula, bottles and all that, washing and sterilising equipment is a pain. I can honestly say I hate FF my daughter, does my head in!
You do get free formula milk from the baby clinics if you aren't working, though.

I don't want to breastfeed. It's something I am not interested in. I wasn't breastfeed, I don't have three ears.

I have totally upset my OH's family though. :roll:

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