February 2017 Mummies - First Trimester

Im around 5 weeks 4 days so still early for the scar to have those pains? When my periods came back after my youngest was born I would get these pains after ovulation. Hopefully all is ok.x
I've got a section scar too and feels fine but I'm really early at 4 weeks :)
Hi ladies, how's everyone today?

I'm still at home but feeling much better. Received a call from my GP asking to change my appointment which is next week. On a whim I asked if they could see me today and she said the only appointment was in 20 mins. So I quickly made my way there and saw the GP. It was underwhelming as she asked a few questions and then said the hospital will call me or I can call them tomorrow as its self referral. My blood pressure was slightly high so she said they will have to keep an eye on it.

Thinking I might just call the hospital today and try and get booked in to see the midwife. I'm 6+3 weeks now so want to get seen soon. Plus not had any pains for a few days which is worrying me. Wish I was feeling some sort of symptoms or something just to know things were okay...sorry I know that makes no sense.

Yay got my booking in apt with midwife! :) it's on 7/7/16. Am 7 weeks today so will be 10 weeks then. A little while to wait but at least I'm booked in. X
I've just got my booking in appointment too! 29th June - happy to have a date.

SheenaVadher I know what you mean about symptoms, its not that you want to feel in any discomfort but you just want something to reassure you.

And Lorpezlza glad that you have a date too ��

I have mine! 30th June I'll be 6week plus 5 is this considered early for a booking appt?!
I am really lacking symptoms too! When I got my bfp I had really sore boobs which have now settled, was having pelvic pains but they have gone too. No nausea yet which I'm not complaining about. Only thing is that I am really bloated and I don't remember this last time and I am extremely tired but my LG messed around the last few nights so that doesn't help and I seem to suffer with insomnia when pregnant, had it bad last pregnancy as well!

Glad everyone is starting to get appointments booked, eek! Xx
Hi ladies, how's everyone today?

I'm still at home but feeling much better. Received a call from my GP asking to change my appointment which is next week. On a whim I asked if they could see me today and she said the only appointment was in 20 mins. So I quickly made my way there and saw the GP. It was underwhelming as she asked a few questions and then said the hospital will call me or I can call them tomorrow as its self referral. My blood pressure was slightly high so she said they will have to keep an eye on it.

Thinking I might just call the hospital today and try and get booked in to see the midwife. I'm 6+3 weeks now so want to get seen soon. Plus not had any pains for a few days which is worrying me. Wish I was feeling some sort of symptoms or something just to know things were okay...sorry I know that makes no sense.


Sheens that's exactly how I felt today. Went into work and wasn't tired anymore, no pains and no nausea yet. I wanted symptoms to feel like I'm pregnant :) maybe that's how it is.

I am 6 + 5 weeks now
Ladies are you into researching reviews of hospitals before booking in ? went to my GP and they ga e a list of 3 hospitals ( Northwick Park, Watford and Hillingdon in London) to pick from. I'm not very convinced with those so I may want to do a self referral at a different one ( queen Charlotte.. ) which is not very close to my home but I feel confident going there.

Just wondering how others do it ?
Ladies are you into researching reviews of hospitals before booking in ? went to my GP and they ga e a list of 3 hospitals ( Northwick Park, Watford and Hillingdon in London) to pick from. I'm not very convinced with those so I may want to do a self referral at a different one ( queen Charlotte.. ) which is not very close to my home but I feel confident going there.

Just wondering how others do it ?

GP didn't really give me a choice but said if I went with Newham then I could see the midwife at the GP surgery after my first appointment. Also we want to move to NW london before the baby so I was going to look into options later.

My sister had both my nieces at Watford. She first went to Hillingdon but didn't like it so changed. Her experience was fine at Watford, nothing to shout home about but then she can't compare it to anything else.
I have used the hospital in Archway and can only say how good I've found the whole service. My eldest was very ill when she was born and in nicu, they noticed she was ill when I went in to be traced after I couldn't feel her much. They acted so fast and saved her life. They also have a lovely birthing center which I've sadly never got to use.

But everyone has different experiences of different hospitals, I guess it just comes down to what sort of things you really want in your birth plans and how close the hospitals come to meeting those choices.x
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Ladies are you into researching reviews of hospitals before booking in ? went to my GP and they ga e a list of 3 hospitals ( Northwick Park, Watford and Hillingdon in London) to pick from. I'm not very convinced with those so I may want to do a self referral at a different one ( queen Charlotte.. ) which is not very close to my home but I feel confident going there.

Just wondering how others do it ?

GP didn't really give me a choice but said if I went with Newham then I could see the midwife at the GP surgery after my first appointment. Also we want to move to NW london before the baby so I was going to look into options later.

My sister had both my nieces at Watford. She first went to Hillingdon but didn't like it so changed. Her experience was fine at Watford, nothing to shout home about but then she can't compare it to anything else.

Thanks Sheena, yeah Watford was on my mind amongst the 3 hospitals. Queen Charlotte has high risk care, I had complications in my previous pregnancy so that's the advantage I am thinking of.

Thanks babybee, it's good to know your thoughts. It is so important that they act fast and provide the right care. will be able to decide today
I'm back at work and still no symptoms, in fact I don't feel pregnant anymore. There are no pains and I'm not going to the toilet at much. Getting worried now, not sure what to do.

Called the hospital today to get a booking in appointment and the person I spoke to was so rude. She basically said I'd receive a letter next week. I told her my GP had said to call as its self referall but she matter of factly said that's wrong information. Her tone was so off!

I'm trying not to stress but not sure if there's anything I can do. Haven't taken a test since last week but thinking even if something was wrong it would still show positive?
I finally had a call today about my booking in. They gave me the name and number of my midwife and they said she'll get in touch when I'm about 10 weeks
I have an appointment with the midwife for a week on Monday. I don't really want the referral to go through though as I have family working in the obs department and I know they'll see it!!
I'm back at work and still no symptoms, in fact I don't feel pregnant anymore. There are no pains and I'm not going to the toilet at much. Getting worried now, not sure what to do.

Called the hospital today to get a booking in appointment and the person I spoke to was so rude. She basically said I'd receive a letter next week. I told her my GP had said to call as its self referall but she matter of factly said that's wrong information. Her tone was so off!

I'm trying not to stress but not sure if there's anything I can do. Haven't taken a test since last week but thinking even if something was wrong it would still show positive?

Sorry you had a bad experience on the phone, I think sometimes they forget what a big deal it is to us as they deal with pregnancy every day! Try not to stress about the lack of symptoms, it's still pretty early xx
How are all you ladies? I'm actually praying I get no symptoms as I'm petrified of being sick. I have hunger and some period pains but I know it's really really early days.

No metallic taste for me at the mo either.

Sheena - it's hard but try not to worry as I think symptoms come and go and it's early days. I'm sure everything is just fine. Lots of women have no symptoms at all - a friend at work is 10 weeks and felt no different.

I haven't even called to make a booking in appointment yet! Figured I'd wait a couple more weeks

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