*****February 2016 Mummies******

The tiredness has definitely hit me too ladies. Yesterday I was sooooooo tired. Alice was having a nap and I fell asleep on the rug on the floor. My DH couldn't stop laughing when I woke up as I never ever go to sleep in the day....only when I'm pregnant lol.

Not feeling good today ��. Got that awful hangover/travel sick feeling. Urgh. How's everyone else doing today?x
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I'm feeling tired too. We went out for the day yesterday and I was so shattered when we got home I left hubbie to do my LB dinner and went for a lie down myself xx
I've got what feels like very slight period cramps. Still sat on the sofa watching TV lol.
Been reading somewhere that Calcium supplements are recommended...Anyone know if that's actually true? Bought some Pregnacare yesterday.
I think it's hitting us all now isn't it.
I have cramps too Chris, all very normal though. I'm not sure about calcium supplements. I've never taken them in any of my pregnancies. As long as your getting enough in your diet Id say that was fine, unless your told different from your midwife of course x
Yeah I don't tend to get a lot (this is my first so I'm a total novice at this). I would usually have coffee without milk...substituting that for redbush tea with milk (it's taking some getting used to) but that's about all the calcium I'm getting...Can't eat the cheese I like any more lol
Hi everyone! Congratulations to everyone and mind if I join you? We found out I was pregnant last week and its slowly starting to sink in. Going by last period dates I think I will be due on the 5th February. So excited to be pregnant again, my daughter is 2.5yrs next month. Hope you're all feeling okay? Jx
So far sickness still at bay YAY but I know early days still. Downside... I am so bloated!! Don't know about you ladies but I feel about 3 months pregnant lol not 5 weeks!! Lol. Also my skin has broken out, which is wonderful lol. How are we all doing? Xx
shattered, windy and having a few "period" crampy symptoms....oh and my boobs hurt lol.

Other than that I'm wonderful! No bloating yet although I'm not a slim jim anyway
Hi Jodes! It's lovely having you in our gang! Lol. I can't decide if I have a virus or this is all pregnant related delights?! (Sore throat, aching all over, sore boobs, constant nausea, hugely tearful). I'm a joy to be around! I have literally sat on the sofa all weekend and slept! I'm not really into sitting around constantly usually! Have any of you had sore throat?! My OH thinks it might be reflux but I've never had reflux before!

Are any of you a bit stressed about work+being pregnant. I do some 13 hour shifts which are exhausting at the best of times, and I'm absolutely dreading them now! Work don't know I'm pregnant yet. I'm getting scared that I won't feel up to the shifts, will ask occupational health to swap me to 8 hour shifts but then get scared the team will think I'm pathetic or letting everyone else down?

Sorry for massive rant!!xxx
13 hour shifts sound really tough! You need to put yourself first and not worry about letting others down (easier said than done I know) Have you considered telling your manager in confidence why you are requesting 8 hour days depends on your manager though and how supportive they will be.

I am worried about work too but for different reasons I have just returned from maternity leave and now I going to be telling them I'm off again and I've got a new manager who to say the least is not the most supportive person.

Take care of yourself

Hope everyone else is ok

Congrats Jodes & Welcome!

I'm with you on the bloat Robyn. Trying my best to hide it so ppl don't ask. I have a christening in 3 weeks too so hiding the bloat then will be an effort lol.

Sounds like the delights of pregnancy Julia. It's such a glamorous time isn't it haha. I hope your able to sort your shifts out...13 hours really does sound like hard work especially in these early weeks.

Hope your able to get things sorted with work too Nic.

Sickness is getting worse over here ladies....roll on 12 weeks ����

Hope everyone's doing ok xxx
So far sickness still at bay YAY but I know early days still. Downside... I am so bloated!! Don't know about you ladies but I feel about 3 months pregnant lol not 5 weeks!! Lol. Also my skin has broken out, which is wonderful lol. How are we all doing? Xx

I'm with you on the bloatedness!! I look a few months gone haha!! I'm terribly windy too :eh: sorry for tmi, but had horrific tummy ache after lunch today. Real nasty stabbing pains in my tummy. Went to the loo as I was terrified I was bleeding and losing another. Luckily I'm not, however I reckon the whole building may have heard me passing wind :shock::lol:
Hi can i join ? If this is a sticky baby i will be due the 16 feb . My boobs really hurt . My sleep is all messed up but feel tired af like cramps every now and then. O and gassy like i have my own jet pack lol hubby want me to join things and stay super positive that this is our rainbow
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Congratulations trivia fingers crossed for your sticky bean welcome to feb mums xx
Hey Gals!

Congratulations to all the Mums-to-be and for those TTC, hang on in there girls!

It would seem that I'm in the early February group too! I already have a son who recently turned 18 years old and a daughter who is 4 years old next month! I first signed up to PF when pregnant with my daughter and I lurked and posted a bit after that as I was TTC again. But as you can probably tell from the age gaps of my children, TTC hasn't been an easy task!

Anyhoo, I'm hoping for an easy pregnancy...not sure what to expect being 37 and 38 when I give birth haha! But hey, my sister gave birth to her first at 44, so all good :) x
Just come back from my doctors appointment. Form is filled in for the midwife, just got to wait now

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