*****February 2016 Mummies******

Hope everything's ok MillersMissus. Could maybe be a little implantation bleeding? That's good that you've been signed off work, especially that your hubby's looking after you too. Take care of yourself and get lots of rest.

Wow BabysMomma! That's amazing! I have my docs appointment tomorrow so I hope I get the same, I'm not going to hold my breath though lol. Xx

I know, I was seriously stunned :lol: Mention it to your Doc, you never know ;) x
The pregnancy is ectopic, so need intervention to end it and get it out.

All the best everyone xxx

just found our yesterday pregnant after having a miscarriage in december (this will be my first baby). I so want to be excited but very nervous after losing my first. EDD 12th Feb :dance:

Congratulations to all of you!
Aww congratulations Pricey! Hope all goes well and you have a healthy pregnancy! x

just found our yesterday pregnant after having a miscarriage in december (this will be my first baby). I so want to be excited but very nervous after losing my first. EDD 12th Feb :dance:

Congratulations to all of you!

Congrats hun ! I so understand how you feel hun , i just keep saying take it day by day Here if you want to talk xx

just found our yesterday pregnant after having a miscarriage in december (this will be my first baby). I so want to be excited but very nervous after losing my first. EDD 12th Feb :dance:

Congratulations to all of you!

Congratulations Pricey
So sorry Samantha55 and MillersMissus to hear your news. Big hugs all round.
Congrats to the other ladies joining us. Xxxx
MillersMissus and Samantha I was so sad to hear your news. Thinking of you both. Hugs xxx
So so sorry to hear your sad news MillersMissus and Samantha, sending lots of love and hugs. Hope to see you both back in tri1 soon xxxx
Hope everything's ok MillersMissus. Could maybe be a little implantation bleeding? That's good that you've been signed off work, especially that your hubby's looking after you too. Take care of yourself and get lots of rest.

Wow BabysMomma! That's amazing! I have my docs appointment tomorrow so I hope I get the same, I'm not going to hold my breath though lol. Xx

I know, I was seriously stunned :lol: Mention it to your Doc, you never know ;) x

Well, I didn't get a prescription for Pregnacare, but I did get given one for folic acid. Never been given a prescription for it before, so it definitely must be a new thing. I've got some anyway so didn't need the prescription but still, it's good that it's being given out.

Congrats Pricey!!!
Our lovely group is getting bigger by the day! I'm sure it'll get more & more crazy as the weeks pass lol x
Ok so some apps say i am 4 weeks some say 4+2 or 4+3 ???????
Ok so some apps say i am 4 weeks some say 4+2 or 4+3 ???????

I think some take it from the first day of your last period, and some take it from the day after with that being "day 1" of your next cycle....you'll know for definite when you get your dating scan though Hun. I would take it as +3 and then it just feels better lol x
Goodmorning Ladies!

Let me join your tread! I got my BFP over a week ago, I must be 5+2 today, with EDD aproximately 10 February. It is my second baby, my first is busy boy almost 2 yrs old.

How is everyone doing?

Ttc process was much more relaxed comparing to ttc first back in 2012, and I feel much calmer now since I got BFP.
I've had few sickness moments, some days I am extremely tired (started soon after O) some days I have sooo much energy!
How are you pregnant ladies doing in early days?? Xx
Hi Inga it's nice to meet you!
Ladies I am 6 weeks today and I have started waking up at 1-2am to be sick. It is so grim!! Is anyone else having anything similar? Also does the sickness tend to get worse, or stay the same? Mine started about 1 week ago and I'm vomiting a couple of times a day at the moment, with constant queasiness that never goes. Eurgh!!
Do you want me to start the Facebook group the secret one?
Congratulations Inga! Welcome to Feb Mummies.

Yeah Juila, I'm 6+2 today and the sickness is definitely making an appearance now. I havnt actually been sick, but I woke this morning feeling hungover. Nasty. How awful for you bring sick in the night though, that can't be nice at all.
I've found that it normally gets to a peak and then starts easing off...everyone's different though so it's hard to say. Hope it's eased off a bit x

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