*****February 2016 Mummies******

Morning Ladies. How's is everyone feeling today? Any sickness hit anyone yet? I was feeling a little queasy this morning....all good signs though.
Happy Wednesday everyone! X
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Ever so slightly queasy but no sickness. Boobs feel heavy but no necessarily sore x
Ever so slightly queasy but no sickness. Boobs feel heavy but no necessarily sore x

Yeah same here. I had some hot water this morning with a couple of slices of root ginger in...worked a treat x
From my last AF I'm 5 + 1...due 2nd feb....until I get my official due date. How about you?x
No sickness although my appetite is all over the place!! I flit from wanting one thing to another. OH was going to take me out for tea tonight. Someone posted a picture of a pot noodle on Facebook to which I just had to eat!!! Haha!!

My boobs are sore and tummy is bloated x
Yeah I'm quote crampy and aching. I've always been the same at this stage.
Pot noodle sounds great!!!! Could really eat that now! Haha x
Yeah I'm quote crampy and aching. I've always been the same at this stage.
Pot noodle sounds great!!!! Could really eat that now! Haha x

Must have plenty of bread to dip in the juice nom nom xx
My EDD is 4th Feb and I have a little girl who is 18 months.
?your making me want pot noodle Nom Nom. I'm so bloated I look about 5 months lol geez I hope it settles down my boobs are sore and I'm lucky not nauseous touch wood I'm 5 weeks today x
Fingers crossed the nausea keeps at bay Suzanne. I can feel it coming in waves every so often, more so around tea time to be honest. Urgh.
All this talk of Pot Noodles.....we'll be the Pot Noodle group not February 2016 mummies hahaha.....not a bad way to be known though eh haha.

Has anyone told family or friends of the new edition? Or are you waiting as long as you can?x
I've told nobody yet Mrshttc although it is killing me to keep quiet lol x
From my last AF I'm 5 + 1...due 2nd feb....until I get my official due date. How about you?x

5+4 today and possibly due date of 31st Jan but, yeah again that could change hehe.
I keep getting told that the sickness appears around six weeks... This this weekend onwards for me girls. I'm counting down to my early scan on Wednesday. Wish me luck xx
I've told my two closest friends and that's all.
It's just my parents I don't want to tell haha. You wouldnt think I was a 32 year old woman lol.
Plus I know what the comments were like when I was pregnant with my 4th, so this time round will no doubt be entertaining. I think I'll just adopt my resting bitch face for the next 35 weeks so no one dares speak to me hahaha. Xx

Hope everyone's doing ok and enjoying this beautiful sunshine! X
Congratulations February mummies
Hope to join you in 2 weeks (or before as I'm an early tester) lol xxxxx
Hi all the Feb mummies can I join.
Got my BFP today due date is 14th Feb

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