*****February 2016 Mummies******

Hi Ladies

I joined the forum this eve, I'm 5 + 1 so think due 1st Feb but could be 31st Jan. Will have to wait for scan! Very excited as this will be baby number 2 as our daughter is 4 this week.

feeling very nervous and not loads of symptoms yet, what about everyone else?!

Hi, think my date will be 31st Jan ish! Number two for me too x
Hi Lea_Photo

Good to meet someone else due 31st Jan ish, have you put your name in the Jan thread too?

What symptoms have you had so far?

Hi Lea_Photo

Good to meet someone else due 31st Jan ish, have you put your name in the Jan thread too?

What symptoms have you had so far?


Hi Pearly.

Yes I have haha! Just in case. I've only had tiredness, bloated tum so lack of symptoms at the mo! Sure they will kick in soon though!!

Booking appointment with midwife done!! EDD 5th February so I'm 4+3.

Got an early scan booked in on the 22nd due to previous losses so keeping everything crossed to get to that milestone!!
I have to wait 3 weeks for my booking in appointment it's not till June 24 what a Nightmare
I don't think mine do booking in til at least 8 weeks so I hadn't bothered to ring yet! Might do it tomorrow to give me something to look forward to.
I called my doctor today who gave me a number to call to make my booking app. Which I could not get through to at all today! Ugh!!
I called my doctor today who gave me a number to call to make my booking app. Which I could not get through to at all today! Ugh!!

I left a voicemail when I rang, they are pretty good at getting back to you x
Lea_photo - where is it you stay? I called at didnt leave an option to leave a message :( just constantly engaged. I know they prob wont make it till 8 weeks but i think i may qualify for an early scan due to the msc and cpregnancies we had when ttc my son. xx
Hey February 2016 Mammas! Is it ok if I join you?!
Just found out that I'm pregnant with the 5th edition to my brood. This little bean was not planned, but certainly not unwanted. Feeling a little bit numb right now haha.
From my last AF I should be due around 2nd February....so here's to a happy & healthy 9 months to us all! Xx
Congratulations and welcome to February mums I'm due 3rd a day behind u
Not sure that qualifies you for an early scan robyn
Its generally only if you're bleeding or in pain xx
Not sure that qualifies you for an early scan robyn
Its generally only if you're bleeding or in pain xx

Yeah i agree Robyn unfortunately u dont usually qualify for early scan u less u have had 3 previous mc's but even then dont think it applies if u have had a successful pregnancy since then.
Also they wouldnt count chemical pregnancies at all.
Obviously u can pay for a private scan x
I've had 2 miscarriages and have been referred for a scan at 7 weeks if I get there to see it. I have a history of depression and anxiety so my gp sees it as a way of keeping my anxiety levels down. All gps are different, I'm lucky that I have a sympathetic and understanding gp xx
Hope everyone is do well. We haven't told anyone yet and don't plan too for as long as possible. Had terrible morning sickness last time so am expecting it again but I hope not! Not many symptoms yet other than an achey tummy and period type cramps but otherwise ok. Going to call doctors tomorrow to see about making my booking in appointment at 8 weeks :)

Got my booking in appt today! Wanted to get in nice and early to try and get one out of work hours but they could only offer me one in the middle of the day so going to have to think up a little white lie about where I'm going as don't want anyone knowing at work until I've had my scan. Appt is 26th June!! Eeek!!
Found out last week we are expecting our first baby after a chemical pregnancy the month before. Nervous and excited! Congrats to all feb mummy's.
Got my BFP yesterday after my mmc in Jan, so excited, so happy
Lea_photo - where is it you stay? I called at didnt leave an option to leave a message :( just constantly engaged. I know they prob wont make it till 8 weeks but i think i may qualify for an early scan due to the msc and cpregnancies we had when ttc my son. xx

Sorry for the late reply. I leave a voicemail on my midwives number and they usually call me back. My appointment is for 8wks

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