*****February 2016 Mummies******

Hi ladies! How is everyone feeling? I am sooo tired!! Getting through work OK but exhausted once I get home! Am sitting on the sofa a lot...
Is anyone else a bit nervous about the vomiting bit?!
Not had a scan just from last af. I had to tell work as I have a manual job with lots of climbing and lifting so have a risk assessment today
Congrats everyone!! And hello!! I done a digi today YAY! Bfp!! Estimated Due date 7-10 Feb. Just need to call to make an appointment with doctors xx
Hey got BFP yesterday doubled checked three times today yep nice lines. Edd 03-02-2016 felt quest a lot although not sick also off coffee which is what made me test coz I love coffee x
Wow feb mummies! Congrats to u all from a nov mummy lol. So exciting! Xx
Yay more Feb Mums!! Anyone struggling to keep it quiet?? We havent told anyone yet and its eating me up inside! lol xx
Hi ladies congrats on the bfp's :) I'm going between January and feb threads as in due right at the end of January atm lol. Robyn I'm the same me and the oh have only told our two closest friends atm we haven't even said to our parents yet as we've just recently had a miscarriage and don't want to get people's hopes up in case it doesn't work out
Congrats to you too lottie, i think we miscarried weeks apart so I know how you feel so far just told my mum just coz I'm so anxious atm and needed to tell her! Apart from that it's a huge secret oh parents live in Turkey so no point in worrying them incase anything happens! How is everyone feeling? Felt sicky last few days today feel ok! Sore boobs tho
Tentatively stepping in here - got a BFP on Thursday at 13DPO. Got a good strong lines within seconds on a FRER. Due approx 6th February.

However, i'm terrified!!! This is pregnancy no 3 for us - previous ones have ended before 7 weeks so its difficult to think positive. Last mc was August 2014 so was in the middle of a GP referral for fertility tests. Saw my GP yesterday who has sent me straight to booking in with midwife to arrange early scans and checks etc. Unsure what to expect but our appointment is Monday.

I'm really hoping third time lucky, and keeping my finger crossed that I can keep on with this threadt until February!!!

Good luck everyone xxx
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Hi, found out I am pregnant 2 days ago and would be due around 4-5th Feb ish xx
Well I cracked today ladies ended up telling our families. We had a family lunch arranged and everyone was asking why I wasn't having wine. Lol. I know it's so soon but when we were ttc my ds we miscarried before him and hadn't told anyone we were preg. So it was hard to deal with the emotions and if something happened this time (I'm staying positive) we'd tell our families anyway. Hope everyone is feeling well. Xx
Awww good for you Robyn, I'm dying to aswell but waiting (I'm saying this now but I'm not good at secrets) I have my plan on how to tell everyone I'll post a pic when I do
Hi ladies!! I got my bfp yesterday on a cheapie Sainsbury's test and then today did a digi that said 2-3 weeks! Very excited as we've been trying for 14 months for baby number 2. So nervous at the moment but hoping all will be okay. I think my due date is around the 6th of Feb.

Had to be a bridesmaid for my best mate yesterday so told her and a couple of my oldest closest friends because they all wanted to know why I wasn't drinking!! But going to try and hold off a bit for everyone else (although I had horrendous morning sickness with my daughter so most people had guessed by the time I was 8 weeks last time!)

Hope everyone else is doing well and sticky dust to all!!
Awww congrats and welcome to the feb thread! Like u I'm anxious wishing I was over the next few weeks
Hi Ladies

I joined the forum this eve, I'm 5 + 1 so think due 1st Feb but could be 31st Jan. Will have to wait for scan! Very excited as this will be baby number 2 as our daughter is 4 this week.

feeling very nervous and not loads of symptoms yet, what about everyone else?!

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