****February 2016 Mammas****

Wowzer - leaky boobs lol.

Hi to all the new mummies :)

I've had no bh yet and no leaking but I do keep getting a pain/ tight feeling in the top of my bump at certain points, feels like a foot is there, Thomas used to do this so think she's getting comfortable where her older brother did lol.

Seriously courting down the days till mat leave, totally can't be bothered with work right now
Thank you for your warm welcomes ☺️
I have leaky boob too... Only the right one!! It happens when I hear the neighbours baby cry!

Had my 25 weeks appt today, she didn't seem concerned about BH's. They were really bad last night to the point I didn't sleep. Is the midwife meant to be doing groth chart already? Mine didn't even weigh me.

Baby had been quiet the last couple of days, am I right in thinking this happens when they are having a groth spurt?
hi ladies, Ive been MIA too, just got back from my trip to Australia.
All went well except I really couldn't shake the jetlag this time and was tired quite a bit. Little girl is moving lots which keeps me reassured and Ive been feeling ok overall.

wow, tri 2 is flying by isn't it? We will be going into tri 3 soon...the home stretch!

Starting on buying stuff for the nursery now - bought an Ikea crib yesterday. Is anyone else just so overwhelmed with all the choices and options of baby stuff to buy? I feel like I don't know where to start
Hey all yep leaky boobs here too since around 24 weeks! Usually at night time at the min but I'm sure it ll pick up!
I have a physio appointment on 6th Novemberfor my SPD Mrsh ohhhh its truely agony and another thing now by lunchtime I have a pain in my foot as though it's bruised very odd no swelling yet but that's everyday lol?
My next appointment not till 28 weeks wish it would hurry up ck when baby is quiet I panic like a madwoman there's never any peace :/
When do we move over to tri3 is is 26 or 27 weeks I'm confused about it eeeeeeeee Mrsh babybrain has well and truely kicked in for me too I forget what I'm gonna say after I've started saying it haha
Nice weeks off work now as half term is upon us yippeeeeee just another half term to go then I'm done can't wait xx keep well everyone xx
I think the growth spurt and reduced movement is abit of a myth. If you go to the count the kicks website there is lots of useful information on there

I think we move over from 27 weeks :)
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I can still feel her moving but it's different the last couple if days! Not sure what she's up too.

I keep reading the third tri is 28 weeks?!

I love the nursery stuff they have in ikea. One of the cribs was a feature in a magazine this week as 'top rated'. Reasonably priced too.
Hi ladies! Also MIA as just back from my hols in France - god this tri is flying by! No BH here but didn't have any at all with my daughter either so not surprised. Despite my anterior placenta I'm getting some kicks now so more reassured, although they tend to come at particular times of the day, not all the time. Got a midwife appt on Fri so hopefully all will be well - feeling like a right fatty now!! Heartburn has also started :(

No leaky boobs here yet - I'm very concerned about the whole breastfeeding thing - was desperate to breastfeed my daughter but she had massive feeding difficulties when born and we ended up expressing for a month then switching to formula. Really don't want the same to happen this time, so any tips gratefully received!

I love Ikea stuff for kiddies, we had a posh mama and papas cot and I then moved her into a different room at 9 months old and wanted a white one to go with the rest of the furniture in the new room so picked up an Ikea cot cheapo and it was fab! Deffo using it for number 2!! She's in an Ikea extending bed now as a toddler!
14 weeks too go!!! That's gonna fly. And my pregnancy app seems to thinks we are into our 3rd trimester xx
My app says next week Elle it's all a bit confusing for my baby brain lol x
Mrsh or Elle just as you are both at the same point as me but what are your movements like? Do they have a pattern? I'm getting movements mostly like a rolling or turning at the min with the odd kick and a lot down low also how us everyone monitoring movements please? X
I'm getting a lot of movements. I've been feeling her since about 15 weeks tho which i know is unusual. Not sure if it's because I'm slim or if she's big!! She is about parallel to my belly button now id say. I haven't noticed a pattern yet tho and she has lazy days!!

I'm experiencing quite a bit of bump pain at the mo. Feels like bruising. Anyone else had this?
Oh That's reassuring to know was nt sure if the pattern should be established yet or not she also has lazy days too!
Not having any bump pain tho so can't help you there it's prob just stretching Hun if your slim I would nt worry about that xx
The only pattern she has is as soon as I lay down in bed she will start wriggling!! I think they say there may be a pattern at around 28 weeks. I don't believe it tho tbh as it depends on so much as to whether they wake up etc xx
Gosh I've been AWOL for weeks! - hope all you lovely Feb mums are feeling ok!

Guess it won't be long before our thread moves over to tri3 now??!! Eeek it's really flying!!

I'm have awful period type aches today.. Euggh! Guessing it's all normal at around 25 weeks & suspect babas probably expanding its home lol would love to recall whether I had this last time, but I can't remember a thing! Haha! Like I'm doing it for the first time :D
Oh poor you! I had a couple of days of that last week- reminded me how much I don't miss having periods, lol! I've started to get heartburn :-( apart from that I'm fine & enjoying all the wriggles!
Thanks Ruby! Has eased off now after a warm bath & a full packet of cookies (oops).

Ahhh baby wiggles are the best & make up for all the crappier parts of pregnancy lol!
LOL Cait! You deserved them! Glad you're feeling better! Xx
Tiredness has started to kick back in again now - don't seem to be sleeping completely properly - almost like I'm just lying there but I'm not completely aware of waking up.

So weird - looking forward to the weekend
I had that yesterday cait along with some tightenings I never had with my last pregnancy very uncomfy indeed!

I'm the same pumpkin seem to just get around 4 hours sleep altogether these days before waking up its very frustrating is nt it x
Yeah I've been getting tightenings this time too Suzanne (BH I assume?) but never got them last time!

Yep sleep is going back down the pan here too lol - I have just had a child free night (DS has gone to Bkackpool with grandparents) I'm thinking great I'm off as its half term I'm having a full on slob day & lie in.... I was up
Before the bin men came around aggghhhh haha.

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