FAO Council Tenants!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2006
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OH and I aren't earnin enough to get a mortgage for our own place and we have been on the Housing Register since July - Just wanted to know roughly how long you were waiting for or still are waiting to be housed!!

If its a silly long time we have come across this rent scheme which pays a percentage of your rent thru housing benefit and u can, providing u qualify for the benefit, get a really nice place thru a private landlord or agency!

Hope this helps someone, thanks for any comments!!
i was on the housing list since i was 16 only got offerd one house in the shittiest area ever and i refused.

Then had to apply for homelessness because landlord wanted his house back :roll: and i think it was from when we were accepted for thatwich took 6 weeks for them to make a descison about 3 weeks we were oferd a house.

Good luck and hope you get something in a nice are and fast
We have been on the register since March when OH moved out of rented into our house & we've only just got offered a place (Its only a flat but i suppose its better than nothing) but its all due to the nagging OH done & letters my parents sent, the last letter they sent they gave us 2 months notice on the 25th October so that got us extra points and the Council have had to find us a place quicker!

We should be moving in the next two weeks :pray: :cheer:
o thats good, iv been ringin and sendin letters so hopefully thats annoyin them and they will find us somewhere!!

but then again, the rent scheme in our area wants us to find somewhere then claim housing benefit to live there so they dont have to house us so we could be gettin a better deal there?

we shall see!!
mummykay said:
o thats good, iv been ringin and sendin letters so hopefully thats annoyin them and they will find us somewhere!!

but then again, the rent scheme in our area wants us to find somewhere then claim housing benefit to live there so they dont have to house us so we could be gettin a better deal there?

we shall see!!

We got offered that and we turned it down, I dont think it would have been a better deal as once you agree your off the list & out of their hands & the house will never be yours to do as you please with. I've found that OH ringing the Council nearly every week etc... has helped a bit
Good luck hun its such a nightmare!! :hug:
i was on the housing list for just over 2 years, in the end because my mums house was so cramped i had to say she kicked me out, and within a few days i got offered a place
I only applied about 3 weeks a go and had my letter through today saying I was medium priority for a house so dont know how long I'll be waiting :(
i hate the way they deal with housing lists we only had 60 points before we were homeless and all 60 of them were you get 10 points for every year your on the list :wall: :wall: :wall: then when we were homeless 1 week before eviction day we finally got top priority with 300 points added on and on the friday we got offerd a house and had to beg the landlord if we could stay an extra 3 weeks they werent pleased and we didnt pay them their 3 weeks money cos they were WANKERS sorry but i hate them and hope the dont get anyone to take their over prices shit house

rant over i love my council 2 floord flat :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
if you go through private rent there is an form you can get that i can't remember the name of ( will ask DH in the morning) that assess what rent will be paid before you take it.
Sounds like you just need to keep bugging them and maybe make your situation sound worse than it is? I think their theory is you arnt on the streets freezing, you arnt top priority...
I had to wait 6 years for my council house but i guess it varies in different areas xx
i was the same nikki but found it worse because we were in private rent, the council didnt want to know then the landlord were evicting us but all i can say is thank fuck all thats in the past and im now trying to get settled here :D
We have only just been told we are an urgent case to be housed by the council but still not sure how long we will have to wait, until a suitable vacant property comes up apparantly!

We have been on the list two years and were not EVEN considered until 2 months ago when we got made evicted from our private rent. We have finally got maximum points now and therefore are top of the list; you have to have the maximum points (which is homelessness, we are staying at my mums) to even get considered for a property im afraid.

It makes me quite angry, you might have to tell a few white lies to get yourself to the top of the list if you know what I mean. Its wrong but like others say you gotta give em some hassle!!

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