*UPDATE* Nervous! Housing People

Girls that PMd me... I LOVE YOU!! :cheer: :hug:

Thanks so much everyone! Littlepip - Yeah you're not far at all! (Even though I don't venture far from Sandy lol).

The house was gorgeous! :( <--- Sad face because the council said they can't help til baby is here :doh: Doh - Didn't even think of that!

Soooo... I'm still looking at places to rent but ones that will be available from mid September (time for benefits to start coming through).

Ho hum... Another month or two to wait! x
Danni check out this site http://england.shelter.org.uk/
First check if there is a local housing advice centre and give them a call for advice about your circumstance, they will either advise over the phone or get you an appointment.

Local housing allowance is for private rented properties, see this link:http://england.shelter.org.uk/get_a...ing_allowance/what_is_local_housing_allowance
You will need to check on your local authority website what the limit is for your circumstances you can have up to which means anything above you pay, lets say your rent is £x per week and your LHA award is more than this, you will be paid up to £15 above the rent amount. Pm me if that doesnt make sense.

You cliam for both at your housing benefit office call them and they will check your entitlement but you may not be entitled to a room for LO until it is one year old (depends on your local authorities rules)

Housing benefit is for housing assocaitions and council houses see this link: http://england.shelter.org.uk/get_advic ... ng_benefit

there is also a good booklet on the two here:http://england.shelter.org.uk/get_a...ools/guides_to_housing_issues/housing_benefit

Also check if your local homeless department has a tenancy deposit or bond scheme, or if you pay the bond make sure you read this:http://england.shelter.org.uk/get_a...ing_issues/private_tenants_-_paying_a_deposit

Landlords are more willing to accept people on benefits with the new housing allowance but usually not through agencies

this si also good to read http://england.shelter.org.uk/get_advic ... ce_to_live

Any probs PM me, this is my bread and butter :shhh: but you do need some local advice.

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