Faint bfp on ic?!

couldnt wait, made oh take me to boots and get a clearblue test, picked up wrong ones meant to get dgi, will get one tomorrow now!

that is def a positive:love:Congrats!!!!
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The doctor will date from your LMP as far as Im aware..until your dating/nuchal fold scan which is when your dates will be adjusted :)

Huge congratulations xxx
The doctor will date from your LMP as far as Im aware..until your dating/nuchal fold scan which is when your dates will be adjusted :)

Huge congratulations xxx

^^ WSS

However there are some websites which will let you put in your OV date so will prob give you a better idea of EDD. However as mentioned the NHS will only adjust from LMP after a scan.
Yay! Congratulations! Knew I could see lines!!!!xx
deffo a possitive congrats and am sorry for ur loss xxx
thanks everyone!! nice to know i wasnt totally going mad looking at them ic lol. now the nerves/worry start i guess. i think anyone who has lost a bay will always worry in the next pregnancy about getting past the time when they lost baby before so i know its going to be a long ay to 24 weeks!! going to try and keep myself sane by coming on hereas we dont plan on telling people til a lot further down th line, though if we get to 12 weeks will tell my mum then ;-) xxx
Firstly so sorry for your loss but CONGRATULATIONS :D:D:D Hopefully the doctors will know what is best for you now Hope to see you in the babies and toddlers group soon xx

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