EWCM after ovulation......?

No worries!

I am getting mad symptoms and due on in 6 days,i've got lots of discharge and an itchy body including itchy and heavy boobs x
Good luck Michelle - hope this is your month X
Ahhh shucks, hopefully you will see BFP soon! I am excited and nervous for you!
Baby dust all around!
Fingers and toes crossed for you x
Thanks Jenny. I'll keep you updated. Not sure when i'm going to test yet. x
Do a test Michelle!! :)

I personally only had a tiny amount of CM around OV time and that was it. I never had any at all in the 2WW but got a BFP on Tuesday!

It's so annoying how we're all so different!

Good luck for when you do test!!

Hi! Hoping af stays away for you! I've had no sign of af but got bfn this morning. Fingers crossed for you xx
err...well thats my problem. I have really irregular cycles. They can last anything from 10-20 days, every time is different but last af was 7th sept and nothing since!!
I've looked at a few websites about this. Some of them say it's a sign of pregnancy and other say it means your not pregnant and just that af is on the way. Anyone else get this conflicting message? x

ur cycle is the same as mine an i also had ewcm saturday! yet if iam pregnant means am 4weeks & 2 days ( today ) but am still getting negative hpts :/ am confused as hell but just so ur not alone i had this on 11dpo lol! ive been told its an early sign of pregnancy as well as af is on its way! my cervix is high very soft an closed i was due my af 3days ago :/ why cant the female body be easy to understand lol! x
Mine are regular though but I'm well aware that I've not been off the pill for long and I don't want to get my hopes up and do a test incase ins a BFN cos I know I'll be gutted. I keep telling myself that my AF will arrive soon. x
I know what your going through mummy24. I didn't think I'd feel like this about testing. I've already got a son and I wasn't like this when I did the test when I was pregnant with him. x
its so hard!

cos a woman knows when shes pregnant! the problem is with my other 2 i didnt find out till i was 8weeks so this is like way early for me to even think about it cos i didnt test till 7-8weeks with my others so am not sure if i have a low hcg but af was suppose to arrive 3days ago an bam nothing no aches pains headache or usual sign of it! so now ive resorted too doctors appointment on wednesday next week to see what the crack is! am just hopin af stays away for the purpose of pregnancy not anything else to be honest but ive always been regular an never had a problem my temp is still high too :) when are you goin to test? x
Well, i decided to test and my worst fears were confirmed............BFN :(

I wouldn't mind getting a BFN if I had my period but cos my period hasn't come either, I'm fed up cos now all it means is that my cycle is messed up. x
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aww same as me....

dont lose hope yet hun everyone is different its not over till af gets you!
some people dont submit hcg hormones as much as others!

but ur in the same position as me :( x

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