

Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2009
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i was working this morning and when i finished i went back to bed and had a sleep, ive got a throbbing sore head, stuffy nose and sore throat.

anyways, i woke up, had summit to eat and OH was playing ps3 while i was reading a book.

But then i got the major horn!! we ended up "at it" on the rug on living room floor!!:whistle:

and now we gonna get a dvd and sowt to eat....but all i wanna do it go to bed and hump hump hump.....even tho i have a head cold lol

do you think its signs of ovulation? AF has just ended....and my OPK's should be here tomorrow (ran out :wall2:)

im so bloody horny!!!!
Lol!!! I reckon you may Ov early this month... any day now... :)
ok so i will be offline now lol....i need to hump, i just wanna jump him every minute....grrrr!
good luck hun, get in as many while ur in the mood that's what I did xx
Go for it Ema....get those legs in the air again!!!
Wayyyyheyyyylovely!!! How are you doing?? Xxx
lol thanks ladies!!

its all ive done since i finished AF.

my OPK's came yesterday and im not ovulating, so i think ive just had a spurt of horniness lol x
Always follow your bodys instincts ... If your horney as hell it could be your body saying "Breed women! Breed!" :lol: Yeeeeeeeeee! You get that BD going lassy and try not to fret over OV dates just follow your instincts...oh and legs in air for 20 mins afterwards please :dance: xxx
lmao! say it like it is. i love it :D get humping lady :bd::bd::bd:
lol thank you leanne......i feel like a bit of a pleb doing that after a good bonking session lol. but i will do, i make OH do it too so i dont look that stupid lol

thing is horny when OH aint here its all building up, bless him lol

i cannot wait to see the disappointment in my mothers face when i get to announce a BFP hehe

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