Symptom Advice


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2005
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Hi, I'm 19 years old and I've been having some symptoms. My breasts are sore and my nipples are constanstly hard which happened two weeks before my 'period'. About a week before my 'period' I started feeling sick when I eat at night and in the morning sometimes during the day. A few times I've woke up with it. I've been having headaches for about a week now. My 'period' was extremely light pretty much spotting. I took an e.p.t test and it came up negative. During the test I was still spotting a little. I still have these symptoms and my lower back is hurting along with some minor cramping. I've always been a bit stuffy with some sneezing but I don't have a cold. My boyfriend and I agreed to wait until my next 'supposed' period to see. My questions are should I wait and is it possible that I'm pregnant?

I'm a little confused with your due dates. Was that spotting on the day you expected your period? Cause if it was a few days earlier than expected then it could have been implantation bleeding (not all women get it).

When are you expecting your period now? From what I've read, tests are more accurate when you've missed your period for a week or two (about 3-4 weeks after a possible conception). You may have tested early that is.

But please write some more info ok?

I got the spotting when my period was suppose to start. It lasted for a few days. However, I didn't wait till it stop to the do the test. I did the test when it was almost gone. My boyfriend wants to wait till the 27th to see if i get a period or not. I got the spotting on Apr. 27th and it lasted till May 2nd . I'm a bit confused on what to do. Does this help any?
It could have been implantation bleeding. If you can't wait like your b/f wants, maybe wait a couple more days to be sure then to a test.

If you did the first test while you were implanting the pregnancy hormone would not have been high enough to have been detected as it only starts being produced after implantation.

good luck!
Thank you so much for your help. I'll keep you updated on it. I'm not sure when to do the test just yet.
I had IB, it lasted three days. It came around the time my Af was due. I did a test when I'd stopped bleeding and it was a very very faint +ive. I went out and got a digital test which was also +ive. Still couldn't quite believe it so I waited two days then tested, again this was +ive.

There's a possibility you experienced IB, I would test again in a few days to see!
Hi Cath

Can I ask you how long after conception/ovulation did you have IB? And what did it look like?


p.s. CONGRATS on you baby!! :)

I can't say for sure, I stopped taking my pill on 17th March, I had AF on 21st March (which lasted nearly six days!). So I calculated next AF would be 18th April! I bled from 18-20 April then took the first test on the evening of the 20th.
Dont want to be to graphic but it started like my AF so I thought this is it, will try again next month. But it didnt get very heavy in fact it was red to begin with then went a brownish colour. It was on off for the three days, and by the third day I was just really confused and just wanted to know if it was AF or not.

I actually did the test just to rule it out, I had convinced myself that I couldn't be pregnant because i was bleeding, this is my third pregnancy and I've never experienced IB before so didnt really know what it was. In fact just before the bleed I had slight stomach cramps so I was convinced it was AF! Just goes to show that each pregnancy is different, so dont give up you never know!
That sounds really similar to what I experienced. I thought it might be af but it was too light and i really didn't feel any cramping but maybe a little. Since, then my other symptoms have increased in degree. We'll find out when I do the test. Which i still haven't decided when.........
Well, I tested today because my bf asked me too about mid-day. It came up as BFN. So we're gonna wait too see if af comes around the 26 of may. Keep your fingers crossed that it was just too early.....


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