Calling all syptom spotters! advice please!?

I did smep this month and so far I have only missed one sexing sesh!

When I announced I was doing smep last cycle everyone was like never heard of it haha.
I did smep this month and so far I have only missed one sexing sesh!

When I announced I was doing smep last cycle everyone was like never heard of it haha.

I had to look it up...sounds like a good plan, lots of sexing so it's gotta work right?:dance:
Exactly my thinkin babyfever!

I think I will stick to it again next month if I have to but Im thinking of temping.. the opks are driving me nuts already. Negative after negative for 5 days has taken its toll.
I am considering temping as well! I didn't really want to and I need to order more opks I went a little crazy this month poas! Yeah if you're getting negatives temping is at least another way of knowing if you ov....oh and cerivix won't make up its mind! its knida high and soft I think yesterday it was felt its was getting lower, and hard. Now I'm confused....
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awwwwww, thats the only thing with doing opks though I just mentioned to lynette, you almost kind of expect to fall pregnant when you know your oving and BDing around the same time you sort of think well I defo caught ov so I should be pregnant by now, and due to the fact more or less everyones body is different it is really hard to tell! I have read alll different CP when people finding out theyr pregnant some are high and soft some are open some are closed so that just confuses the life right out of me, Ill ride this month out (no pun intended) then Ill see about temping next month. I have loads of opks so I will maybe do both..... We'll see.
yeah I have tried looking up cp but everyone is different and really its not a reliable method :( oh well "gay Sarah Sarah"
That actually made me LOL there thanks :) only some people on here have made me smile today I had an uber rant in my journal I feel shit today..

I think you should do smep and temping next month with me and get some preseed or something and youll be jammin! if you aint already that is a'course!
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I was cramping earlier, I'm just waiting for af to show up..Glad I could make you smile, I was real down yesterday practically in tears. i feel some what better today. Def gonna smep, temp and opk next month with ya!
I think when your upset this place does help, guys just dont get TTC! dont get me wrong im sure some do but the guys tend to be more relaxed, how the fuck do the manage it?

Good then - we can be... motivators for each other making sure that we are smepping and not missing a day :D and regular BUT NOT TOO MUCH opking ;) temping should be easy, its the working out will be the hard part I guess but theres always loads of people on here to compare charts with :)

You should maybe only buy yourself enough opks for like three a day that way you wont be peeing on anything and everything, Im not too fussed about opks this month but only cause I havent seen a positive yet.
I tried talking to my dh and he couldn't relate at ALL, made me even more upset. I have a few opks left but I need more I opk at least 3 times a day lol

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