Calling all syptom spotters! advice please!?


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2011
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Hello lovely ladies - I am 8dpo today and feeling queasy!

I have had back ache since 5dpo (like af would arrive any moment... it hasn't), was physically sick for no apparent reason on 7dpo mornin, had a stuffy nose past couple of days (not to mention masses of watery cm yesterday - sorry if TMI :whistle:) no spotting and my usual monthly sore-D-cup still remains a pain-free-C!

Would say its all in my head but until i was sick the other day i wasnt really tracking this month :S

What do you reckon ladies as I am very worried about getting my hopes up :/

well 7dpo the egg may have just implanted, but all syntpoms of pregnancy are symptoms of your period so i wouldnt get too wound up love
i have had the queasyness since dpo 8 and af type cramps since dpo 3 on and off i am now 11 dpo i still feel queasy and lower bk ache on and off and stuffy nose just appeared today i ahve tested and i have a vvv faint bfp i think 80/20 yes lol i wont beleieve tho till i do a digi lol best of luck hope its bfp symptoms xx
Thanks Lynette for bringing me back down to earth, and jojo good luck and congrats.

Am ever hopeful as last month i was in recovery post laperoscopy I have mild endo and symptoms very difficult to differentiate between endo pains - AF cramping - possible symptoms of BFP I dunno just feels like i should have AF days ago now (currently CD27 of a possible 32 day cycle - but who knows with my body!)

TTC is a crazy buisness lol! if i were you i wouldnt get too hung up on symtoms, its too stressfull IMO x
i agree with lynette its totaly crazy lol
As a general rule pregnancy symptoms rarely occur in the first week of your 2ww as implantation doesn't happen until 7-12dpo.

I would maybe start taking a note of your symptoms before AF (providing you arent preggers) that way you will know what is normal for you around that time.

Are you sure that you are 8DPO, as if you Ovd a bit earlier than you thought then you may be further dpo along...

But like everyone says, AF and preg symptoms are very similar, last month I was actually sick twice around that time and obviously Im on my second cycle now!

Luck though :D

You aint out till the fat witch says so!
As a general rule pregnancy symptoms rarely occur in the first week of your 2ww as implantation doesn't happen until 7-12dpo.


I love how you bring me back down to earth! Always pragmatic, thats what I like about you :)
I am not trying to be a kill joy :shock:

I actually charted my whole cycle from CD1 through to AF so I could get to know my body a bit better.

I just think it's important to be aware that looking for symptoms too early is a bit fruitless!

I am not trying to be a kill joy :shock:

I actually charted my whole cycle from CD1 through to AF so I could get to know my body a bit better.

I just think it's important to be aware that looking for symptoms too early is a bit fruitless!


oh no sweety I didn't mean to offend you but I just was complementing you on your take on ss and all its craziness....I'm sorry if it came out wrong :(
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oh no sweety I didn't mean to offend you but I just was comlementing you on your take on ss and all its craziness....I'm sorry if it came out wrong :(

Of course not hun, I don't want to offend any of you ladies by keep popping up on threads and saying you shouldn't symptom spot in first week of 2ww - it seems so negative?

Thanks all - have been ttc for a VERY long time now (approx 1 3/4years) so tracked for ages throuble is with endo it throws your cycles out of whack and nearly impossible to predict Ov (OPK's sometimes give useful info but rarely show anything but positives) bloods confirm I ovulate and pains are whenever they feel like cropping up (not cyclical at all) it was really the sickness I haven't had before and the 3 days of back ache so early on but I suppose it could be body still in recovery from lap.

still ... would be ironic if twer BFP me and my DH are off to hosp in April to start ball rolling with IVF (hence the relaxed approach this month before getting sick of course)

Best of luck ladies - I guess I will just wait and see :)
but you're right ss this early is fruitless and really just puts you on a emotional roller coaster. And I really want to look at things in a more realistic and scientific way. And so much research shows that implantaion doesnt happen until 6-12 dpo. I had it good when I fell pg with my son, I wasn't trying, no ss, no nothing. Just missed my period and took a test. That was 12 yrs ago. TTC is insanity for me this time.
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Hmmm food for thought; As much as I would like to agree... i'm not trying to justify my insanity lol - implantation must be able to happen before 7-10 days surely otherwise how do women with 7d LP get BFPs? and sometimes my LP is only 9d so thats a worry!

I had a matching positive OPK (two lines the same) then next day bright positive OPK so I calculated DPO from the day after the second test (could I suppose have O'd on bright pos day which would put me at 9/10dpo now) .... oh don't u just hate counting down the days!

....I've confused myself now I'm sure there was logic in this post :S x
what cd did you have a+opk hun? and no worries, I have taken a million hpt all neg but I still think I'm pregnant...(so who's crazy now lol)
lol first pos OPK was CD18 (19th Mar) then better one on 20th March (CD19) so am guessing O'd on 20th/21st making me 8/9dpo

Ha ha I used to buy a million HPTs every month I gave up buying them; investing in OPKs instead as they seem to produce logical results since my laperoscopy! sometimes I would POAS even if i knew there was no chance ... glimmer of hope and all that jazz!

Still many months later and here i am with back ache and mood swings!

well I think I am going to just order more opks and not IC hpts I hear they are crap. Yeah 8 dpo sounds about right. I think next cycle I want to try smep
Hmm i tried it for a while but no joy; this month have been testing out C+ so who knows!

Good luck tho! x

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