Epidural stories that didn’t lead to an episiotomy


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2015
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Does anyone have any experience with having an epidural which didn’t lead to an episiotomy? I had an epidural (after 5 attempts) with my first which lead to a forceps delivery with an episiotomy, I had a lot of complications with recovery. After meeting with my consultant and an anaesthetist they’ve said it would be best for me to have an epidural early in labour. There’s a link between epidurals and interventions but I guess I’m just trying to see if there are any positive stories of epidurals and no intervention or no episiotomy etc..
I was induced with my daughter and had an epidural early on (that drip was a killer!) and I had an amazing birth and recovery. I grazed slightly on each side and had one stitch either side and no intervention at all. I had an hour skin to skin and then I was up and in the shower and walking about. Would definitely have one again! Xx
Thank you that’s such promising news, having another epidural wasn’t something I wanted but it’s nice to hear it isn’t always a horror story! X
I had an epidural with my daughter and it was amazing. My daughter was back to back and her head was sort of pushed down over her chest so she was born with the very back of her head coming out first but I had her with no intervention and only tore internally. The midwives didn't really blame the epidural and just said baby not getting into position. We did skin to skin tho straight away and all was fine. She was born at night so I didn't get up until next morning but loved having a catheter as I was terrified of peeing lol
I was induced and had an epidural, labour was really smooth and I only pushed for half an hour ended up with a small internal tear and a couple of stitches. No interventions and healing was great. I have really fond memories of my labour and birth.
I had an epidural, everything was fine with it. Pushed babyy out in 10 mins. X
Party pooper here.... I had epi early on and ended up with forcep delivery. BUT it shows you the odds are in your favor 4-1 atm ;) Good luck x
I had an epidural and my labour progressed faster after I got it actually, Id been stuck at on 2-3 cm for the longest time, then I got the epidural and BAM 5 hours later my son was out.Might have been coincidence, like, it wasnt the epidural that made it progress faster but I just happened to get it as I progressed, but the midwives thought it might be because I didnt tense up from all the pain anymore, and the contractions could sorta just do their thing. I did not need an episiotomy , nor did I even need stiches after really (just for cosmetic purposes they said), I pushed my son out in 30 min (and he was a big boy for me since my frame is sort of small, like 9 pounds) and I felt every "pushing contraction" really well despite the epidural
I had an epidural with my daughter and it was amazing. My daughter was back to back and her head was sort of pushed down over her chest so she was born with the very back of her head coming out first but I had her with no intervention and only tore internally. The midwives didn't really blame the epidural and just said baby not getting into position. We did skin to skin tho straight away and all was fine. She was born at night so I didn't get up until next morning but loved having a catheter as I was terrified of peeing lol

Thank you really positive! Was the tear easy to recover from? I remember asking my
Midwife if it was going to hurt when she said she was going to take my catheter out. I was laughed at quite rightly lol
I was induced and had an epidural, labour was really smooth and I only pushed for half an hour ended up with a small internal tear and a couple of stitches. No interventions and healing was great. I have really fond memories of my labour and birth.

That’s so nice to hear thank you x
Party pooper here.... I had epi early on and ended up with forcep delivery. BUT it shows you the odds are in your favor 4-1 atm ;) Good luck x

Why did you end up needing forceps if you don’t mind me asking? Was it due to complications with the baby or was it because you were unable to push hard enough due to being unable to feel how hard you’re pushing because of the epidural? Or something else?

I had my episiotomy due to them needing to get my daughter out quickly as her heart rate had dropped she had expelled meconium inside me had twisted inside me to a sideways position and also unknown at the time had the cord wrapped around her neck.. I wonder if the episiotomy I had was so bad as they rushed the cut (they hit a blood vessel I lost 2 litres of blood and needed a blood transfusion as a result) you can see why I’m a bit nervous this time to say the least!
I had an epidural and my labour progressed faster after I got it actually, Id been stuck at on 2-3 cm for the longest time, then I got the epidural and BAM 5 hours later my son was out.Might have been coincidence, like, it wasnt the epidural that made it progress faster but I just happened to get it as I progressed, but the midwives thought it might be because I didnt tense up from all the pain anymore, and the contractions could sorta just do their thing. I did not need an episiotomy , nor did I even need stiches after really (just for cosmetic purposes they said), I pushed my son out in 30 min (and he was a big boy for me since my frame is sort of small, like 9 pounds) and I felt every "pushing contraction" really well despite the epidural

That’s really reassuring thank you x
I had a very similar birth to yours , with early epidural ended in episiotomy and forceps delivery . Traumatic and long way to recovery. But again I was meconium in my waters and been rushed to get the baby out , then his heartreate went up so I had a tiny bit of pushing but wasn ‘t feeling much because of the epidural . Good to see some reassurance as well for the future :D

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