bmi 35 +

Hiya girls...

I was 35+ BMI with Jack but I had such an easy pregnancy! No sickness, no cravings, no gestural diabetes nothing. My labour was 3.5 hours long, delivered natural with no drugs or help. Jack came out 8lbs 6oz.

I was always treated like an alien :( a doctor called me fat and had me in tears in the hospital. Also told at growth scans I'd have a difficult birth and a 10lbs plus baby. But I didn't...

So now I've just got my BFP I'm really scared because due to the business of having a baby I didn't lose any weight but I've been doing slimming world for 2 weeks so I'm really scared to go back to the doctors :( and this should be such a happy time in my life

Great thread! Love it! x

That's great to hear!! Just proves that everyone is different!!! Congrats on your pregnancy! Hope you have the same kind of labour this time xx
you can still do slimming world while preg anyway lol. docs wont give out diet plans to preg women cos it looks bad to tell a preg woman to diet even if theyre fat lol
Lol well their pretty much saying it when they whack that big high risk stickers on your notes. I'm not a huge fan of doctors can you tell x
see they just stuck a yellow sticker on mine to say id seen the anaesthesiologist about the risks of epidurals when your fat and then treated me like i wasnt overweight apart from the things i couldnt have when i gave birth like the pool or mlu. turnd out that i may as well have been in mlu cos i was on early labour ward til 9cm cos noone would check me due to my waters having gone first so i had cocodamol and very little mw supervison or help til 9-10 cm dialated. then i had gas and air and diamorphine when i was cut right at the end. not that i noticed it or really needed it. lol they offered so i said yeah. i wasnt impressed with the hospital care here at all and next time i will be telling them where to go
Hospitals are so backwards. When I went into labour I was obviously high risk but the labour ward was full!!! So I was put in a suite (the willow suite) and it had a pool and twinkly lights and a bathroom and they offered me the pool and I hate been wet so I said no. But it's strange how they offered it even though I'm high risk and they said no home birth because of first time, but I didn't care cause I wanted to be close to anyone medically trained lol x
Hospitals are so backwards. When I went into labour I was obviously high risk but the labour ward was full!!! So I was put in a suite (the willow suite) and it had a pool and twinkly lights and a bathroom and they offered me the pool and I hate been wet so I said no. But it's strange how they offered it even though I'm high risk and they said no home birth because of first time, but I didn't care cause I wanted to be close to anyone medically trained lol x

I believe the suite like that at my local hospital is called the willow suite, now I'm intrigued as too where you are lol, unless it's a popular name for birthing suites
I was allowed a pool birth but didnt get time, maybe its different areas have different rules again x
I'd love a shot in the birthing pool... So will see what my midwife says. Can't see any reason for me being turned down since I'm not even high risk!!!xxx

Oh and another thing... My friend... Skinny minny size 8/10 is having an awful pregnancy due to babies positioning making it hard for her to eat, and body coping with the extra weight, and she's now been put on a red pathway! So just shows you can work both ways!!!xxx

And totally agree all our babies seem to be happy healthy
Hospitals are so backwards. When I went into labour I was obviously high risk but the labour ward was full!!! So I was put in a suite (the willow suite) and it had a pool and twinkly lights and a bathroom and they offered me the pool and I hate been wet so I said no. But it's strange how they offered it even though I'm high risk and they said no home birth because of first time, but I didn't care cause I wanted to be close to anyone medically trained lol x

I believe the suite like that at my local hospital is called the willow suite, now I'm intrigued as too where you are lol, unless it's a popular name for birthing suites

Don't think we're near. I saw your in SW I was in Birmingham :) popular name x

:love: :wed: MrsGC :wed: :love:
Great thread ladies! Had my first high risk moment yesterday (story in third tri- told off by midwife!) long story short went for GTT and senior midwife shot me down for putting on a stone in 7 months of pregnancy (bmi now 36) told me I was eating too much fruit! I love reading all your experiences and it's fab to hear everything's gone well, it's always in the back of my mind that it's probably going to go wrong for me, can't be plain sailing everytime right? Trying to be positive just really had my confidence knocked yesterday xxx
This is what upsets me when mws are so impolite. I understand they try to help but how can they help by working you up.

There's already been so many reports on how the BMI is not a trustworthy system. Some doctor made it up and now it's a written rule!

Trust me hun. Eating fruit is great or you and if you've gained weight from it then well it's healthy weight not like stuffing your face with chocolate. Little one won't be harmed by it. You'll be just fine x
actually the guidelines say that if your underweight you should put on 3 stone during preg, 2 stone if normal and 1 stone if overweight
Thanks ladies! It's really reassuring to know your not the only one xx
My BMI at booking was 32 but this was mostly due to excesses of Xmas and a holiday in New York (where bubba started it's grand old journey), I'm very active at the gym, ran 2 half marathons last year and am an operational firefighter. The midwifes at my booking argued whether or not I needed the GTT as I was classed as obese but they both looked at me (size 14 at that point in ordinary jeans) and stated well - she doesn't look obese (great for your self confidence whilst your partner is sat next to you lol) but still booked me in for the test anyway (which was negative) last week. At booking the initial midwife wanted me to be consultant led but I argued the case and am currently midwifery led care which hopefully means that with no further complications I'll be able to have little bubba in the birth centre. My community midwife isn't as supportive and sort of looked me up and down at my 25 wk appointment and stated 'well, as long as you realise you'll have to lose the weight afterwards!'

Enjoy your pregnancy girls x
These growth scans that everyone is mentioning: Do you have to have a scan earlier than 12 weeks? Or just more often towards the end of your pregnancy?
at the end, bout 35 or so weeks usually
Think it's just towards the end of your pregnancy. After your 20 week scan, which is the detailed one. They start measuring fundal height at about 28weeks, so say you measured 32weeks then they might refer you to a growth scan... Or maybe baby was smaller... These work both ways!
I think they basically try to say that larger women have larger babies... But this isn't always the case whatsoever. Please try not to concern yourself too much... I'd of liked a growth scan, but never got one :( I'd like any oppertunity to see baby!xxx
Well I thought I would just message In here to give some of u a little story. My BMi was 47 whilst pregnant I was high risk, had consultant appointments etc etc. I had a wonderful pregnancy. No complications. The only issue I had was I struggled with my labour. Pushed for an hour but he didn't come down easily. They the said they had to to assist my labour as they worried about the size of the baby because I was big. Well after some forceps help I gave birth to a perfect but tiny 6lb 12oz little boy. Just because I was big didn't mean I had a massive baby, or a complicated pregnancy. Admittedly I was bigger than I ever wanted to be but it made no difference. Xxxx
yeah it dosent mean baby will be big at all. mine was but im almost 6ft and look positivly skinny if i fit into a size 14/16 so my baby would have been big regardless of my weight. i just happened to be 20+ stone as well lol. i had a fairly easy pregnancy and birth
Same here, bmi at start of pregnancy was 35.6, had extra scans and consultant appointments. Went 11 days over at still only had a 7lbs 1oz baby boy, being overweight does not mean a big baby at all. Labour ended in emergency c section but that was due to baby's heartbeat rather than anything related to my weight xx

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