
I know , I had a spinal in the end for the forceps . But I want to know what happened so I can be prepared . They didnt believe me and started pincing my legs and toes and rubing ice on me .. grrrrr
I know , I had a spinal in the end for the forceps . But I want to know what happened so I can be prepared . They didnt believe me and started pincing my legs and toes and rubing ice on me .. grrrrr


I wouldnt want to go thru the epi for it not to work! im worried now :(
I know , I had a spinal in the end for the forceps . But I want to know what happened so I can be prepared . They didnt believe me and started pincing my legs and toes and rubing ice on me .. grrrrr


I wouldnt want to go thru the epi for it not to work! im worried now :(
Awh luv , I really wouldnt worry :hugs: i've never heard of it happen to anyone else and it was a long labour so maybe that had an impact ? Also actually having the epi isnt so bad , it really just feels like a scratch and I was allowed to puff away on gas and air when the put it in x
Ive heard it hasnt worked for other ppl too or wore off/worked only on one side.. i guess ill just see how it goes..
Im not scared of needles just the whole 'move and ur paralised' thing..

mind u id need to have some gas n air for the cannular thing they put in ur hand.. man that hurt when they thought ellie was ectopic!! especially as it took them 4 trys.. missing the vein.. getting it caught on a crossed over vein.. etc.. lol!
When the MW did my cannular I spurted blood all over he floor! It literally shot up in the air like a fountain!! lol My veins are always very promenant though! x
:oooo: tried finding a throwing up smily but there wasnt one lol.. thats gross lol!!!

I hate having blood tests coz i can hear the tube thing fill up.. most people call me crazy coz they cant hear anythin.. even some docs! but then one woman who took my blood said its coz i have a fast blood flow.. im not crazy :dance: :lol:
Im bugered if i cut an artery!!:shock:
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I was allowed to puff away on gas and air when the put it in x

jealous! I never got to try gas and air!! mine hurt going in but local anaesthetic never does work on me :roll: I mentioned that to the anesthetist who said he'd never heard of such a thing. I was like :mad: "I dont care about anyone else, All Im saying is, Ive had local anaesthetic 3 times and everytime I need a shocking amout to numb me!" I felt the whole epidural going in, I was too scared to move it was hurrendous!

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