
I found it just as easy, just a lot less painful when they crown - none of the ring of fire iykwim x
Yeah , i've never done it naturally and the bit i'd be dreading would be the crowning (ring of fire ) bit .. :(
I didn't have any clots but it was a bit messy!

The pushing was the bit I struggled with! Because I couldn't feel anything I didn't think I was doing it right, everyone said I was so I must have been but I just couldn't get him out so had a forceps delivery which is easily the worst thing that has ever happened to me!! x
I didn't have any clots but it was a bit messy!

The pushing was the bit I struggled with! Because I couldn't feel anything I didn't think I was doing it right, everyone said I was so I must have been but I just couldn't get him out so had a forceps delivery which is easily the worst thing that has ever happened to me!! x
I had forceps and agree it was horrendous .. I had them as she was very distressed and facing the wrong way they were using them to hold her the right way up so I could push :shock:
My sister had forceps (no epi) and the guy had to shove his arm in and drag her out lol like a cow :lol:

:rofl:@ ring of fire..
yeah it hurts like a biatch!!!!
just with the catheter/pad issue, after surgery I was put on a bed that had a massive pad sheet thingy, I didnt wear anything except the surgical gown until about hours later when my dad was coming so a midwife helped me into a nightie but I still didnt wear any pants. I think they changed the pad at one point but I was so tired i just let them do whatever, I woke myself up with a massive snore while a midwife was hand expressing on my boob :rofl:
dont mean to scare u sorry!
tbh i dont remember feeling it with ellie.. just jaycee
just with the catheter/pad issue, after surgery I was put on a bed that had a massive pad sheet thingy, I didnt wear anything except the surgical gown until about hours later when my dad was coming so a midwife helped me into a nightie but I still didnt wear any pants. I think they changed the pad at one point but I was so tired i just let them do whatever, I woke myself up with a massive snore while a midwife was hand expressing on my boob :rofl:

:rofl: that actually made me laugh out loud haha!! thats mental!!!

I dont know if id wanna have my moo out longer than its needs to be lol
:rofl: I had a really long labour, I literally couldnt keep my eyes open :blush:

I had a sheet over me just to clarify I wasnt letting it all hang out!!
:( gutting u had a long labour :(
I couldnt imagine waking up to a mw milking me :rofl:
sounds pretty mortifing .. mind you after a long labour I'd be happy to sleep and leave them to it :rotfl:
I wasnt in the slightest bit embarrased, I was beyond caring after the drugs they gave me made my crap myself in theatre (!) and I had no control cos I had a spinal :blush:

I didnt realise for a few weeks, I thought OH was farting in theatre and I was really angry at him :rofl:
I wasnt in the slightest bit embarrased, I was beyond caring after the drugs they gave me made my crap myself in theatre (!) and I had no control cos I had a spinal :blush:

I didnt realise for a few weeks, I thought OH was farting in theatre and I was really angry at him :rofl:

Thats hilarious!!

OMG so embarrassing id hate to poop!!!!!
i cant comment on the epi as ive never had one, i had a natural birth with my son.
But on my notes it says the anethesist is to be informed of my arrival to the labour ward, wot the hell is that about?

but i have had a catheter put in and taken out, twice and honestly hun, its nothing. didnt feel it at all and i was awake and not numb down there on either times.
Im kind of bricking it about an epi, but im seriously considering it x
No idea why thats on your notes.. maybe ask ur mw next time you see her?

Thanks for that i was really worried about the catheter!
Im kinda bricking it about an epi too but i think its worth it to get rid of that final pain.. i can handle the whole labour up until the point of no return for the epi!
I just wonder , because the epi and the top-ups didnt really work for me . Will it work this time ? Better have a chat with the mw about it , anyone have experience with that ?
^^ I think its just the way the anesthetist puts it in isnt it? I hope it works, I couldnt imagine going through having it put in and then it not working :shock:

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