
FANTASTIC!! I think im sold lol!!
Thank you all so much for your replies.. if anyone has anything else to share then feel free all input is greatly appreciated.. good and bad!
Also.. Ive read it can cause severe headaches... i suffer from terrible migraines anyway and with this pregnancy it got worse :( was knocking me out every day :( if it continues i have to see the neurologist (im supposed to be in new meds for it and needed an mri but found out i was preg the day i was supposed to go..

This concerns me.. i was given codeine and it made it horrendous!! im worried ill go thru the same with the epidural.. how long does it take to wear off if the epi doesnt agree with you??
I have the odd really bad headache (I can't say migraine) but not after epi or any more frequent than before. It started wearing off for me after maybe 2-3hrs after the drip was stopped I think, it's wonderful x
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Oh.. it can cause severe headaches while on it.. i dont think i could wait 2-3 hours for it to wear off if i feel like that :( ill ask my mw about it..x thanks :)
I had an epi and would definitely have another one next time. DEFINITELY!! My birth was super - I watched tv on my laptop and had a bit snooze until pushing time, and then pushed when told and she was out within half an hour of pain free pushing. I did tear but it seems like that can happen to anyone, and I only pushed when they told me to so don't think I could have done anything differently.
I suffer from headaches and I don't remember having one with the epidural. Everyone is different though. I don't think I could have another baby without the epidural. I have total admiration for the ladies that don't have an epidural cos I couldn't do it x
I had an epi , I ended up haveing a spinal block ontop of the epi as it didnt work and despite two top ups I could feel everything and was becomming "difficult" . The catheder wasnt an issue until the next morning when the midwife was too busy to remove it for ages and when I sat up to feed my baby it sort of opened or burst .. very embarassing . But honestly I'd probably have another epi if I feel the need for one .
Thanks ladies you've really put my mind at ease about this.. I've had two natural births purely coz the epidural scared the crap out of me.. But now the pain fear has taken over the fear of an epi..
I've had a crappy pregnancy so far so I'm assuming labour will be crappy too lol so even more worried! My last two pregnancies were fine I didn't have sickness or pains or anything just strong braxton hicks for weeks.. This one ive been having bh for a couple of weeks already!
I think I'll defo go with an epidural now, I'm gonna need rest as I'll have my girls to look after too x
Thanks ladies you've really put my mind at ease about this.. I've had two natural births purely coz the epidural scared the crap out of me.. But now the pain fear has taken over the fear of an epi..
I've had a crappy pregnancy so far so I'm assuming labour will be crappy too lol so even more worried! My last two pregnancies were fine I didn't have sickness or pains or anything just strong braxton hicks for weeks.. This one ive been having bh for a couple of weeks already!
I think I'll defo go with an epidural now, I'm gonna need rest as I'll have my girls to look after too x
I had natural BUT still had cathater because I hadnt pee'd in over 5 hours. Was in and out before I knew it and didnt feel a thing! xx
I had an epidural and was in 7th heaven! My baby was back to back and I was stuck at 3cms for 22hrs with excruciating contractions and 2 shots of Pethdine. When I finally got to 4cms I was begging them to help me!! The only way I can describe it is it's like when you have an injection to numb your face at the Dentist. Its that sort of tingly feeling. I happily laboured away chatting to my OH and MW's for another 15hrs while they tried to sort out my contractions because they weren't consistant. We were in control of my epidural, we had a little button that we could press every 20mins if we wanted to boost my dose. I did need a massive boost near the end though because it wore off of my left leg and I had too much in my right leg and I couldn't move it myself! Don't be scared though because I think that happened because my body had given up after 2hrs! x
I had an epidural and was in 7th heaven! My baby was back to back and I was stuck at 3cms for 22hrs with excruciating contractions and 2 shots of Pethdine. When I finally got to 4cms I was begging them to help me!! The only way I can describe it is it's like when you have an injection to numb your face at the Dentist. Its that sort of tingly feeling. I happily laboured away chatting to my OH and MW's for another 15hrs while they tried to sort out my contractions because they weren't consistant. We were in control of my epidural, we had a little button that we could press every 20mins if we wanted to boost my dose. I did need a massive boost near the end though because it wore off of my left leg and I had too much in my right leg and I couldn't move it myself! Don't be scared though because I think that happened because my body had given up after 2hrs! x

I couldnt imagine back to back longer than the 7hrs i had on g&a!
do they all do a manual boost?
I had natural BUT still had cathater because I hadnt pee'd in over 5 hours. Was in and out before I knew it and didnt feel a thing! xx

So u had it put in without pain relief?
Thats another thing im scared of!!!:roll:
I've no idea hun! I assumed you got the dose and that was it!! When they were stitching me up at the end I kept saying to my OH "press it again" so it lasted a bit longer after they'd taken it out lol.

Also with the catheter - I was already numb before they did it and when it was removed the next morning it didn't hurt at all! :) x
How long do they need to keep it in for?? does it make u immobile after? what about the (TMI) bleeding etc does it get in the way of the pads etc??
It does make you imobile until it's out but they take it out pretty quickly. My MW just put a pad under me at 1st then when I was wheeled round to the ward another MW asked if I wanted to be helped into underwear. I was sooo tired after a 42 hour labour I said no so they just changed the pad every so often until next morning when they took it out x
I had n epi n blame that for my failure to progress n ended up avin section!

Mine was shit, the hole putting it in n the catheter was easy although the dr saying summat like there was a small % it could paralys ya freaked me out, the first hour was great but then it wore of n all the people who i needed to top it up were in an emergency, so I had to lay there for near 3 hours on total pain in my tummy From contractions but couldn't move around to ease it as I could feel my legs, eventually when they came to top me up it was to Kate the stress it had course had coursed had made babys heart beat keep dipping n I was rushed in for section!

Going to try n manage with out but as most no labor is just one of them things u just don't no how it's going to go x
It does make you imobile until it's out but they take it out pretty quickly. My MW just put a pad under me at 1st then when I was wheeled round to the ward another MW asked if I wanted to be helped into underwear. I was sooo tired after a 42 hour labour I said no so they just changed the pad every so often until next morning when they took it out x


after both my girls i had huge clots come away a few hours after... (so did my sister and a few ppl i warned.. coz noone really talks about things like that unfortunately!) id be worried it would just come out there and then on the pad in that case...

Id also be worried that i wouldnt be able to push hard enough as i wouldnt be in pain... the pain kinda makes u go ''GET THIS F*CKING THING OUTA ME!!!'' and push til u think ur insides r gonna rip out lol..
The mw takes care of your pad until you're mobile again. I had no problem pushing with an epi, it was fine x
Just so embarassing :(

pushing wise i really hope i can push as hard as i would if i were in agony! Ellie took just 3 pushes thought i was gonna die lol.. Jaycee i pushed for an hour coz the cord was round her neck.. wore me right out!!
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