I had an epidural and was in 7th heaven! My baby was back to back and I was stuck at 3cms for 22hrs with excruciating contractions and 2 shots of Pethdine. When I finally got to 4cms I was begging them to help me!! The only way I can describe it is it's like when you have an injection to numb your face at the Dentist. Its that sort of tingly feeling. I happily laboured away chatting to my OH and MW's for another 15hrs while they tried to sort out my contractions because they weren't consistant. We were in control of my epidural, we had a little button that we could press every 20mins if we wanted to boost my dose. I did need a massive boost near the end though because it wore off of my left leg and I had too much in my right leg and I couldn't move it myself! Don't be scared though because I think that happened because my body had given up after 2hrs! x