Emily's Weight Loss Journal


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2011
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Hi Everyone,

I thought I'd start a wee journal for my weightloss as I'm really starting to feel down about my weight. I was 10st when I met my OH and want to get back to that weight!!

When I feel pregnant I weight 11st 7, and after having my LO now weigh 14st 2 :shock:

I was 14 st 7 but have lost a pounds without seriously trying!

I'm keeping this journal for my own sanity, and hopefully some support when I need it :)

I'll be posting some pics as I go, my poor tummy is now horrendous!!

Wish me luck!

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Start Weight: 205 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs

Method: Weightwatchers & Excersise
Day 1:

I have 32 pro points to spend a day, hopefully this number will reduce as I lose weight and wean myself onto smaller portions.

For Breakfast:

2 Slices WeightWatchers white danish
1 Egg - Dry Fried
1 Egg white -Dry Fried
2 Low Fat Bacon Medallions
1 tablespoon Tomato Ketchup
1 Cup Tea

For Lunch: Cheese Toastie

2 Slices WW Danish
2 Slices Low fat Cheese
1 Glass Water

For Tea:

1 Grilled Chicken Breast, Low Fat
250G Roasted Maris Piper Poatatoes
2 Roasted carrots
100g Natural Sweetcorn
SOme Broccoli

I still have 5 point left for my supper! yay! Honey on Toast for me and a cuppa should do it!
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Good luck hun! Ww is the best! There sausages and sausage casserole sauce is divine! We've just has chilli for tea too ww style! Nom Nom :) x

Sent from my sparkly new iPhone
Good luck-I'm a sw girl myself so can't really comment tho I will say that u should maybe try and limit ur bread-too much can hinder weight loss xx
Thanks ladies xx I'm addicted to carbs :blush: will def need to try limit the bread xx I feel hungry now, but trying to resist the temptation to eat even tho I do have points left x

Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using Tapatalk
I am a carb fiend hun - I do try portion control though - epecially with my evening meal.

If I am having pasta I will weight it before cooking (60g of dry pasta is more than enough for me!)

Also I have taken to using new pototes a lot - I have them with curry instead of rice (they are 140 cals for a 200g portion)

Couc-cous is also a lower calorie carb alternative!

If you do have carbs try to go for the brown / wholemeal variety!

Best of luck

Ohh i was thinking about starting a weightloss journal to try to get me motivated!

I will follow yours for inspiration and food ideas me thinks!

Good luck and well done on the loss already!

Thanks ladies xx I'm addicted to carbs :blush: will def need to try limit the bread xx I feel hungry now, but trying to resist the temptation to eat even tho I do have points left x

Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using Tapatalk

I've lost 2.5 stone with ww since Nov and have been eating bread so it is do-able.......its the only thing that fills me for lunch! Xx

Sent from my sparkly new iPhone
Thanks everyone x I did not too bad yesterday, but OH took me out for dinner because on Thursday night we had a huge argument which resulted in me going to stay at my mums :shock:

Day 2:

For breakfast Yesterday:

Weetabix x2
Skimmed milk
One banana (all fruit a veg are no points on ww - except potatoes and sweet corn)

For lunch:

Grilled chicken salad with no salad dressing and little bits of bacon from TGI Fridays.
I also had several strawberry lemodades so probably went over my points on them :/

For tea:

Asparagus, mushroom and onion omelette with a little bit of WW cheese.
(egg white are no points so I just add an extra egg white to beef it up)
Cup of tea and a glass of water

WEighed myself last night and had lost 1lb, but it's probably down to normal weight fluctuation! MOnday is my proper weigh in day, so my goal is to have lost 2 - 3 lbs x
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Day 3:


Weetabix with Skimmed MIlk
1 banana again

Vegetable stir fry (no points woohoo! Cause I used a low calorie spray and lighter soy sauce which both had no points)


Will be beef casserole width as many veggies as I can fit in the pot!

Im really starting to crave big bowls of pasta and stodgy stuff now....but I'm trying to just keep looking in the mirror and horrifying myself to keep me motivated! Will take LO out in the pram and walk 2 or 3 miles later. We have a promenade down the front of our town on the river which is just over a mile long. I'm going to walk it and back and hopefully do that's. Much as possible too x
Oh u r doing really well and having such healthy teas which is my problem :-) when I was with SW years ago they said to cut down on
Bananas as even though healthy were the one fruit that can slow down the weight loss. How's about a punnet of grapes or slices of apple instead?
Also drink lots and lots of water as it fills u up and thirst can be confused with hunger.
U go girl :-) xxx
Lots of good luck

I have around the same to lose, except I was 10 1/2 lbs before pg & 13.12 after

With my 1st I put on 7st between pregancy & the first few months. Managed to lose over 5, a few years ago, if I can do it you can


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