Just replied to the thread about what time did labour start and it reminded me of something - not particularly about labour but the stay in hospital beforehand. I was in quite a while before as I kept going into prem labour, and for some reason they put me in the bed next to the one reserved for woman who came in in labour but not far enough along to go to progress or labour...every night
After about 5 nights of disturbed sleep as women got into heavier and heavier labour beside me I finally lost it one night and told the woman in the next bed (who was really putting on a show - screaming and everything)
"Ok ok you're in labour - but do you really have to brag about it so much? Some of us are trying to sleep.."
A midwife walking past burst out laughing and had to disappear for a minute...the woman shut up. She still wasn't in heavy labour the next morning and went v quietly home....